A dog lost both legs, but not a loving owner

21 August 2017

If you get a dog, you should understand that the animal becomes a member of your family. And if something happens to the dog, you need to take care of it, and not throw it out on the street or put it to sleep...

This is a story about Craig and his dog, a pit bull named Louis. Their happy life was changed by an accident, as a result of which the dog's back part became paralyzed. There is no chance at all that the pit bull will be able to walk on his own. Veterinarians offered Craig to put his friend to sleep, but the man decided that this is not the way to treat family members.

He put together a support brace for his dog, which cost him $35. Now Craig can take Louis for walks, which the dog loves so much. Look at this wonderful FAMILY:

How good it is that there are still people who understand what RESPONSIBILITY is! Thank you, Craig and Louis!

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