The horse sank to the bottom, and the girl could not help, but hugged him and stayed close
It was just an ordinary sunny day, just like many others. Nicole rode leisurely along the coast, the water was only a few meters away. As usual, the tide released part of the land, everything went on as usual.
But suddenly her pet, a horse named Astro, stopped and began to sink into the quagmire under its considerable weight. Astro tried his best to break free, but only sank further and further. The low tide, which freed part of the coast, left a terrible trap.
The owner immediately assessed the situation and realized that without the help of people, her pet simply had no chance of getting out of the deadly trap. The girl dismounted and climbed into the mud behind her horse.
Three hours of unsuccessful attempts to help her horse did not bring any tangible results; she herself was almost waist-deep in the quagmire, and meanwhile the high tide was approaching.
There was no more than half an hour left.
Then Nicole made the only right decision - to call for help. Following her call, rescuers arrived at the scene with a veterinarian and a local farmer who, fortunately, lives near the coast.
The farmer, assessing the current situation, went home to get the tractor. First of all, the rescuers injected the horse with a sedative; after all, this is a huge stress for the animal, which was already struggling in powerless hysterics.
All attempts by rescuers to rescue the animal from the quagmire were in vain; even the specialized helicopter they called was unable to cope with such a non-trivial task.
The tide was already close to the poor animal when the farmer finally returned with a tractor. In a matter of minutes, the tractor freed the poor exhausted animal, which simply fell exhausted right on the shore.
This is truly a delightful story of the devoted friendship of an animal and a man who did not abandon his pet, but fought for his life to the last.