19 maps that break the understanding of our planet (19 photos)

17 February 2016

Political maps, animated maps of expansion, a map of the spread of Zika fever, a portion of technological maps for geeks and strange maps that belong in this collection.

1. Political map of the world 1914

19 maps that break the understanding of our planet (19 photos)

2. Political map of the world 1923

3. Expansion of Russian territory from 1613 to 1914

4. British expansion

5. Expansion of France

6. Political map of the world in the novel "1984"

7. The spread of leprosy in the 21st century

8. Coffee consumption per capita

9. The use of the death penalty in the modern world

10. Spread of Hinduism

11. Zika fever map

Countries where fever has been detected are highlighted in lilac.

12. Maps of distribution of social networks

13. Number of metal bands per 100,000 people (2012)

14. Spread of HIV and mortality from AIDS

15. Consumption of kg of meat per person per year

16. Annual consumption of liters of beer per capita by country

17. Distribution of browsers around the world in 2014

18. Map of the use of torture by the CIA according to reports of human rights activists

19. Newly industrialized countries in 2013

Previous selection of cards with interesting templates

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