Operation "virgin again"

Category: Health, PEGI 0+
16 November 2007

Wits say that the mythical dragons ate virgins and, with the progressive decline of morals, at some point they all died from malnutrition. Jokes aside, in our Palestines, it’s probably easier to win a million in the lottery than to find a girl who is a no-no before marriage.

However, there are times when someone desperately needs this long-lost innocence (more precisely, its physical evidence in the form of screams and bloody sheets). In this case, doctors undertake to help for a fee and perform a simple operation called “hymenoplasty”. Many people know about her popularity among fifth-year students with exotic names like Maryam or Nonna. It’s no secret that in Muslim countries and the Caucasus, the absence of a hymen (that same hymen) can result in not only shame, but also life.

So, when my sister announced that her colleague had become a virgin, the first question was: “Why?” The little casket opened simply: a pretty nurse, Marinochka, with a bunch of “ex-girlfriends” and a history of two abortions, finally decided to take her personal life seriously. After meeting an impressive gentleman who suffered grief with his unfaithful wife, Marina realized that innocence was more attractive to him than all other feminine qualities and “darned” at a discount from a doctor she knew.

Naturally, I couldn’t miss such an exotic topic and talked with the newly-minted virgin and the doctors who gave me an educational program to restore my virginity.

How "girls" are made

In the literal sense, the hymen cannot be restored - this fragment of the vaginal mucosa is too thin, but surgeons have learned to masterfully imitate such signs of innocence as the narrowness of the entrance and bleeding.

Among the many methods (someone was involved in their invention!) of hymenoplasty, two are now actively used. The first option for returning innocence is to sew pieces of the hymen to the mucous membrane or sew the edges if the hymen is not very damaged. Nowadays this method is rarely used, since it requires the jewelry skill of a surgeon, and many girls, due to a well-established personal life, do not even have memories of the hymen. In addition, with such an operation, repeated defloration must take place after 6-10 days, otherwise the suture material may simply dissolve, and the patient’s money will go down the drain.

Therefore, “innocence restorers” are more in favor of three-layer suturing of the vaginal vestibule - a more reliable method in which a woman can experience all the delights of defloration even several years after the procedure. Moreover, you can become “as good as new” more than once or twice; surgeons have patients who are just right to be given a regular customer card.

However, let's return to Marina. Her virginity was returned to her through an acquaintance for three hundred dollar bills using the method of three-layer hymenoplasty (in general, depending on the clinic, the procedure costs from 10 to 30 thousand rubles).

The surgeon inquired about the absence of pregnancy, demanded a smear to check the purity of the flora, a blood test, as well as a shaved perineum and that the stomach be empty on the day of the operation. The anesthesiologist asked if everything was okay with the heart (although it was worth doing an electrocardiogram), whether there had ever been general anesthesia and, after an affirmative answer, Marina went on a medical flight. The procedure itself took place on a gynecological chair and took about forty minutes, by the evening Marina was already at home.

No one is given sick leave for hymenoplasty, but the next day, according to Marina, work was the last place she wanted to be: sitting hurts, going to the toilet requires mental effort. True, according to the patient herself, these are tolerable inconveniences, the only bad thing is that they were not warned about them in advance.

However, the sensations during hymenoplasty are nothing compared to the event for which it is performed. Doctors honestly warn that if during normal defloration pain and blood are not obligatory, then with a “repeat” there will be an excess of everything. Indeed, according to Marina, the second “first” wedding night became a form of torture, although the gentleman was satisfied.

Five reasons why girls go for darning:

1. The desire to deceive a partner or relatives

Hymenoplasty is a real salvation for women from orthodox religious cultures; in this case, few would dare to condemn those going for the operation. But neither men nor women like selfish ladies like Marina. The former find it unpleasant to feel fooled, while the latter complain about “unfair competition.”

2. Regaining virginity lost without sex

There can be a lot of reasons: a careless gynecologist, careless masturbation, tampons or exercise. Someone may be grateful that the first sex will be painless, but if as a result of such defloration a girl receives psychological trauma, psychologists sometimes themselves recommend hymenoplasty.

3. The desire to start life from scratch.

The desire to forget about the first man, sex while drunk, rape and other options when the “very first” time did not turn out as desired can lead a woman to the doctor. But, again, in this case it is not even advisable to go to surgery, but it is imperative to go through a psychologist’s office. Otherwise, the procedure may result in even greater mental trauma.

4. For the sake of new sensations in sex.

Sometimes people get in line for a second virginity with the knowledge of their other half: some want to return the sensations of the first night, others want to symbolically give virginity to their loved one, and some embody sexual fantasies.

5. For professional reasons.

Nowadays even a girl of the most easy virtue can “simulate” virginity for money. By the way, it is with them that the operation is very popular, since pseudo-defloration brings in good money.
Virginity is not as simple as it is made out to be

Despite the fact that hymenoplasty is a real operation, the technique for performing it is not taught in medical institutes for ethical reasons, and possible complications are not described in any textbook. However, a practicing gynecologist shared a small selection of possible problems:

- an illiterate doctor can “darn” the patient too much;

- bleeding may occur for several days after hymenoplasty. If they suddenly become too abundant, you should urgently consult a doctor;

- about a week after the operation, slight pain is possible, which can be relieved with regular painkillers;

- a fresh wound can easily become infected, so special attention should be paid to hygiene. For at least two weeks, baths, saunas, and especially swimming in ponds and pools are contraindicated;

- and another complication is associated with defloration - sometimes the ruptures are too deep and subsequently require treatment; in this case, those who have given birth naturally and older women are especially at risk.

In general, thanks to the good blood supply to the vagina, it recovers quickly and complications after hymenoplasty are the exception rather than the rule. Moreover, depending on the “amount of work,” you can return to the joys of sex within a week to a month—the final date is determined by the doctor.

In addition to physical complications, a newly minted virgin may also face ethical problems.

Firstly, trying to win the respect of a man with the help of a lie is in itself somewhat naive, but if the deception is revealed, then there will be consequences. Especially if the other half has been repeatedly reproached for “ruined innocence.”

Secondly, you can become dependent for the rest of your life on the length of the tongue of those who are privy to intimate secrets.

Thirdly, men are not so naive: they will need to carefully hide their experience in bed and reliably play innocence. In addition, men also sometimes read women's magazines, so on the forums the questions are “how to distinguish a real virgin from a surgeon’s creation?” (by the way, only an experienced gynecologist can do this) is not at all uncommon.

Therefore, before getting acquainted with gynecological cases by a jeweler, you should think again: is this hymenoplasty really necessary - it is not the most pleasant and, from a physiological point of view, a completely unnecessary procedure.

сучка крашеная
сучка крашеная
19 February 2008
hell_boy hell_boy hell_boy hell_boy hell_boy hell_boy
21 February 2008
beat_plaster beat_brick beated byebye confuse waaaht misdoubt раскусили девочек)))
23 February 2008
бабы дуры, чтоб им пусто было. все суки choler
24 February 2008
...как в анекдоте: знал бы что ты такая шлюха - змейку (молнию) пришил бы choler
24 February 2008
Слышь, ты!!АНТИСЕМИТ, б#я"!!!..ты бы хавало свое прикрыл!!сам ты с*ка , чмо, дурак, гандон штопаный!!!если у тя тока такие были-значит ты тока таких и стоишь!!ясно те??? beat_brick ah beat_shot
24 February 2008
Иди нах*й, жидяра ебаная, пизда конченая. Пизда ебаная, б#ядь конченая, с*ка ебическая, чтоб тебя бомжи вые##ли
26 February 2008
Ух какие страсти big_smile1
28 February 2008
^_^ boss
28 February 2008
Я трахал за свою историю больше ста женщин но цклкой было две. ah
29 February 2008
beat_shot с ума посходили smile1 ведь секс это так приятно byebye даже если он не первый
1 March 2008
Твоя правда!!!!!!!! smile1 Это так приятноооооооооооооооооооооооо оо!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sweet_kiss red_heart
2 March 2008
ah Я бы никогда невернула девственность, я как вспомню, так вздрогну, жуткая боль никакого наслаждения!Но зато с любимым мужчиной!
3 March 2008
не понять вам востока а если на кону честь семьи или жизнь в россии проще с етой батвой а я видел как девочку в окно третьего етажа выкинули поетому считаю хорошо что наша медицина творит чудеса
4 March 2008
big_smile1 хорошо то как. главное приятно sweet_kiss
5 March 2008
прикольно..но зачем boss big_smile1
13 March 2008
Да ну его нах*й, ваш секс! Лучше дрочить!!
Кстати, а не делают ли операции по востановлению крайней плоти? Хотелось бы поганять лысого с новыми ощущениями
16 March 2008
O_o жидок ты чо ебнулся?
16 March 2008
17 March 2008
заходим - читаем. так обворовывают хохлов.
19 March 2008
Ангел (хуянгел) сам ты ебнулся, антисимит сраный! Дрочить это полезно и Б-гоугодно, но только не в Шаббес, это сказано и в Ашем ирахем. Хотя тебе, гойскому ублюдку это не понять. А за ущемление моих прав и убеждений, рахмоно лицлан, я на тебя в Игерес Акойдеш напишу! angry
19 March 2008
Сборище каких то помешаных...чесное слово..... dribble Ума только на маты хватает.....
20 March 2008
А я сосу х*й у коня, и потому еще целка и умру целкой! laughing
Случайный Свдетель
Случайный Свдетель
21 March 2008
smile1 feel_good smile1 feel_good big_smile1 big_smile1 big_smile1
Случайный Свидетель
Случайный Свидетель
21 March 2008
Особенно смешные те лохи, которых это задело big_smile1 big_smile1 big_smile1 ну разные ситуации в жизни бывают)))) ну чем бы дитятки не тешились.... а ведь такое бывает чаще из страха, недоверия, или долбаных комплексов окружающих!!!!!!!

24 March 2008
2Случайный Свидетель

Вы случайно не Свидетель Иеговы? angry
24 March 2008
1 047 comments
А Свидетели здесь чем провинились? И причем здесь они?
24 March 2008
И кому это надо и кто это вытерпит? Придурочные мужики, которые верят с*кам. И суки те, которые пытаются объегорить мужиков. А в принципе какая разница дефлорирована ли твоя партнёрша? Не имеет никакого значения, ктотам побывал до тебя, как и партнёрше никто на исповедуется о количестве тёлок, крутившихся на фалосе.
27 March 2008
dribble Ну вы все и ебанаты. Делом лучше займитесь
14 April 2008
hell_boy choler ah waaaht hungry rap beated beat_shot beat_plaster beat_brick what1 sad1 crying2 misdoubt doubt
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