Soviet equipment from the Second World War (48 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
13 May 2014

Equipment of a Soviet soldier

Despite the visual presentation of the German uniform and seemingly multitasking, Soviet military clothing still remained more practical and comfortable to wear during combat operations. The military uniform of the Red Army was highly wear-resistant and unpretentious in use. At the same time, officers and soldiers of the Red Army were necessarily issued with everyday, combat and dress uniforms, which were available in summer and winter versions.

From 1935 to 1941, numerous changes were made to clothing.
Several types of hats were used. Most units wore budenovki, which had winter and summer versions. However, at the end of the 30s, the summer Budenovka cap was replaced by a cap. Officers wore caps in the summer.


with which the troops were equipped: wildly inconvenient and cumbersome.
Tankers wore a special helmet made of leather or canvas. In summer they used a lighter version, in winter - with a fur lining.
At the beginning of the war, field packs were used, but they were very quickly replaced by the canvas duffel bag of the 1938 model.

A field backpack that very quickly went out of use

Duffel bag and chest watch

Not everyone had real duffel bags, so after the war began, many soldiers threw away gas masks and used gas mask bags instead.

One of the equipment options for a Soviet soldier

Combined arms binoculars and tablet

According to the regulations, every soldier armed with a rifle was required to have two leather cartridge bags. The bag could store four clips for a Mosin rifle - 20 rounds. Cartridge bags were worn on the waist belt, one on each side. The officers used a small bag, which was made of either leather or canvas. There were several types of these bags, some of them were worn over the shoulder, some were hung from the waist belt. On top of the bag was a small tablet.

Military binoculars with a case and an officer's tablet

Tunic with cap

In 1943, the army uniform and the system of insignia were radically changed.
The new tunic looked like a shirt and had a stand-up collar fastened with two buttons.

Regular soldier's tunic

Tunic of a Soviet lieutenant colonel

Shoulder straps appeared: field and everyday ones. Field shoulder straps were made from khaki fabric. On the shoulder straps near the button they wore a small gold or silver badge indicating the branch of the military. Officers wore a cap with a black leather chinstrap. The color of the band on the cap depended on the type of troops. In winter, generals and colonels were required to wear hats, and the rest of the officers received ordinary earflaps. The rank of sergeants and foremen was determined by the number and width of the stripes on their shoulder straps. The edging of the shoulder straps had the colors of the branch of the military.

Lieutenant Colonel's tunic

Overcoat with budenovka

Winter uniform: insulated overcoat and earflaps

Soviet-style senior lieutenant uniform

Pilots' overcoat

Military postman uniform

The most influential newspaper of the Soviets - Komsomolskaya Pravda

Propaganda leaflet 1918

Engineer's Steel Breastplate


Field bowler

Belt with holster

PPS and holster for TT

Ordinary soldiers "knocked down" their legs with a "tarpaulin"

Boots for high ranks

made of soft leather.

Common equipment of a Soviet soldier

pouch with grenades, flask, sapper shovel, helmet

and a bowler hat.

Cavalry saber and rifle

Exhibition of military vehicles

Opel Super 6

Restored cars from the Second World War


ZiS-6 "Katyusha"

Restored Soviet cars


In addition, we managed to obtain a unique driver's license from 1916.

13 May 2014
не - "ППС и кобура к ТТ" , а ППД пистолет пулемёт Дегтярьова
13 May 2014
Котелок с крышкой, для второго был у немцев. У нас был круглый. Противогазы выбрасывались, штык ножи и каски тоже.
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