Portraits of insects (60 photos)

9 July 2013

They look like aliens from other worlds, and therefore they frighten many just by their appearance, but at the same time they are very beautiful in their unusualness. It seems to us that we know everything about them, but in fact their lives are full of mysteries. We present to your attention amazing macro portraits of insects

1. "Rabbit" Acanthocinus aedilis - a beetle from the longhorned beetle family

2. Wasp

3. Cychrus beetle

4. Periplaneta cockroach

5. Ladybug

6. And this is her larva

7. Ball springtail

8. Neocoenorrhinus aequatus

9. Another weevil, Hylobius abietis

10. And another type of weevil

11. Flower fly Eristalinus aenus

12. Tick

13. And with the help of this unit, the tick digs in

14. Pointy-headed bug

15. Beetle Scolytus triarmatus

16. Ant Camponotus herculaneus

17. Ant Queen

18. Also an ant

19. Ant's eye

20. Caterpillar, from which the butterfly Cerura vinula (Large Harpy) becomes

21. Bronze oak borer

22. Spotted many-eyed butterfly

23. Red-eyed dragonfly

24. Same

25. Blue dragonfly


27. Dragonfly wing

28. Hoverfly

29. Rhingia, a species of hoverfly

30. Neurigona - a type of greenfly

31. Pogonocherus hispidus beetle from the longhorned beetle family

32. Beetle larva

33. Centipede Diplopoda

34. Also a centipede

35. Forest lacewing

36. Horned humpback

37. Jumping Spider

38. Crab spider, can change color like a chameleon

39. The same crab spider, changed color

40. Female hay spider

41. Philodromus pearly

42. “Skeleton” of an aphid that became a victim of a spider

43. Stag Beetle

44. Yellow earth ant

45. Mosquito at lunch

46. Green mosquito

47. Long-legged mosquito

48. Mating of long-legged mosquitoes

49. Ezhemukha

50. The blackbird fly is an extremely predatory and aggressive fly that will attack even well-armed insects, including bees and wasps.

51. Ktyr with booty

52. Wet shemale

53. Honey bee

54. A small bee collects nectar

55. Megachilid Bee

56. And this is the flower fly Volucella inanis, similar to a bee or wasp to scare away ill-wishers

57. Green grasshopper

58. Pied fly on burdock

59. Pseudoscorpio

60. Palomena bug

1 comment
10 July 2013
Фу, какая прелесть!
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