TOP 100 poses from the Kama Sutra with a detailed description (100 pictures + text)

6 June 2013
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A huge collection of TOP 100 Kamasutra poses with visual and textual descriptions, which I advise you to take note of ;) Be sure to look further :)

1. V-pose

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The position requires acrobatic ability!

The woman sits on the edge of the table, the man stands opposite her and slightly bends his legs to be in the most convenient position for penetration.

Then the woman wraps her arms around the man's neck and throws her legs over his shoulders. Then she leans back, and you just have to move in the usual pattern, holding her butt.

2. cowgirl pose

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

In the pose of a rider, a man sits cross-legged and leans back, resting his hands on the bed behind his back. The woman sits on top, hugs him with her hips and moves up and down. So she can control the speed and depth of penetration.

Maybe it will be more convenient to lean on the wall or on the back of the bed and help her move up and down — or just relax while she does all that hard work.

3. Fireworks

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Pose "fireworks" harder than it looks.

For starters, a man and a woman sit opposite each other. She wraps her legs around his torso, then penetration is made, and only then the man hugs the woman with her leg, which was on top, to hold her.

In order not to fall, the woman hugs the man with both hands, and the man leans on his elbow. Damn it, it's a whole quest!

4. shiny triangle

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

At first glance, the pose of a brilliant triangle resembles the classic missionary position: the woman lies on her back, and the man — above. However, the point is that the man leans on his knees, and the woman raises her hips to meet him.

That is, the man does not move, the woman does all the work herself. So it doesn't feel like missionary at all!

5. Letter X

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, a woman turns and sits on top of him with her back to him, and then lies down on him.

She stretches her legs and puts them on his shoulders, and the body — on the bed, between the man's legs. So it turns out such a letter X. Then the woman begins to slide up and down.

And she can also use men's legs as a lever to increase the amplitude.

6. Nirvana

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

This is a classic. The woman lies on her back, stretches her legs and holds on to the bed above her head. After penetration, she brings her legs together, and the man — on the contrary, it expands.

They move together, and due to the fact that the woman squeezes her hips, there is a natural stimulation of the clitoris.

7. Lock

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman sits on something (a table, a washing machine — well, you understand), on the very edge, and leans on her hands. The man stands in front of her, and she wraps her legs around his hips. That's the whole castle.

8. Slip

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, a woman — on top of it, feet together. The bottom line is that the woman slides up and down his body.

And it's not difficult at all!

9. monkey

TOP 100 poses from the Kama Sutra with a detailed description (100 pictures + text )

We have no idea why it's called that! Here you don’t have to be a monkey, but a real gymnast.

A man lies on his back, pulling his knees up to his chin. The woman sits on top with her back to him, leans on her legs and moves up and down. The more weight she transfers to her legs, the easier it is for you. Although keep in mind: in principle, it is not easy in this position!

But you can penetrate hoo as deep. But there is one thing: a woman must be strong enough and have an extraordinary sense of balance. If she takes your wrists, like in the picture, it will be a little easier.

10. Butterfly

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Another position with an inappropriate name. The key point — penetration angle. The woman lies on her back somewhere on suitable furniture. The man stands in front of her and she puts her legs on his shoulders.

The woman rests her hands on the same furniture so that it is convenient for her to lift her hips, and he takes her behind to simplify the process. And if you are strong enough and dexterous enough, then you can also move with all this disgrace.

11. Rise to desire

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

This is if your maiden — a fan of healthy eating (or what a strong man you are). Then you will be up to the task. Otherwise — don't know.

So, the man stands up, spreads his hips, slightly bends his knees. The woman stands in front of him. The man lifts the woman in front of him and she wraps her legs around him.

You can take a suitable sitting position, and then get up with a friend in your arms — as you like. Yes, and stand, leaning on the bed, somehow safer. The weight of the girlfriend should provide deep penetration as she moves up and down.

12. Balancing

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, spreads his legs. The woman sits down between his thighs, and he in turn takes her by the thighs.

That's why balancing! It's the one, dude!

In this position the man sets the rhythm. But a woman can adjust the depth.

13. split bamboo

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman puts her foot on the man's shoulder. The man holds her thigh and heroically penetrates, supporting her raised leg and himself along the way. Since her hands are not busy with anything, she can do whatever she wants with them.

14. sleeping angel

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her side and curls up, and a man in the same position lies behind her. Everything is quite simple here, and the man just has free hands, so you can apply some more caresses.

We especially recommend this if you are waiting for an addition: a friend will not have to perform acrobatic feats, which is very important.

15. Bridge

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Mmm, wow! Not that any of us have tried this position: we are not Olympic champions in any sport. But it just looks badass.

You can only try this position if you are very flexible and super strong. So, you get up on the bridge… Here half of the readers will scroll further. So, you get up on the bridge, and your friend sits on top — and then everything is clear. Let her put her weight on her feet, tell her so.

It is impossible to stay in this position for a long time! And then the blood will rush to the head, and fainting is not far off.

16. Clip

TOP 100 poses from the Kama Sutra with a detailed description(100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, legs together. The woman sits on top, leans back and leans on her hands. Here you can also dispose of your hands as you like (although whatever you want, you can only reach the clitoris — unless, of course, you are a Boomer).

17. close

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Variation of «sleeping angel». However, here the matter is more complicated.

So, lie down on your side again, you are behind her, but this time she spreads her legs. Also room for the use of hands — and immediately for both participants in the process.

18. two-storey

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, and a woman lies on top with her back to him. She leans back on her elbows, pressing her back against his chest.

With her feet, the woman leans on the knees of the man, and the man moves inside her. The pose is good for transitioning to another pose — it will come out quite naturally.

19. Temptation

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

So, the woman sits on her knees and leans back, stretching her arms over her head. The man kneels, penetrates the woman and stretches his legs. Difficult manipulations.

20. crouching tiger

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back so that his feet are not on the bed, but on the floor. The woman sits on the man with her back to him, spreading her legs. She can choose the depth and speed, and also have fun with her hands. Such is the crouching tiger.

21. Hero

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back, pulling her knees up to her chin, her legs look at the ceiling. The man kneels across from her. He supports her legs with his hands. Why "hero"?

22. Dolphin

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

One more position for yoga lovers. So, the woman raises her pelvis to the ceiling and supports herself on her shoulders, while her head lies on the bed. The man is between her knees and supports her behind. The movements must be oh-oh-very neat! You can even raise her hips even higher so that her legs come off the support. Just don't take too long, man! Again: the blood rushes to the head, and a friend may collapse into a faint.

23. Frog

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits on the edge of the bed, resting his feet on the floor. The woman sits down in front of him on the edge of the bed with her back to him, her legs remain on the bed. Looks like a frog, right? She moves up and down, and he supports her just in case. You can help her.

24. Juniper

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back, spreading and stretching her legs. The man sits down between her knees, legs stretched out too. He lifts her hips — and the deed is done. Well, quite romantic.

25. Plow

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman stands on the floor with her feet, and leans on the bed with her elbows. The man comes up from behind, stands between her legs, and she stretches her legs parallel to the floor.

26. Hook

TOP 100 bys from the Kamasutra with a detailed description (100 pictures + text)

It only seems confusing, in reality it's not so complicated! So the man lies on his side. The woman curls up in front of him so that her legs are not far from his head. She pulls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around his legs. And she wraps her arms around his legs, leaning on his elbow.

27. Classic

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back with her legs slightly apart. The man lies on top of her, supporting himself with his hands. Nothing surprising.

28. On the knees

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man and a woman kneel opposite each other. She spreads her hips and wraps her arms around the man's neck. He hugs her too and gently moves his knees. You can be nice, kiss and hug.

29. Cross

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back, stretching out one leg and bending the other at the knee. The man sits down in front of her, placing one foot behind her outstretched leg and holding her bent leg with his hand. A very confusing description. And so — quite convenient.

30. Deckchair

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits down, leaning on his hands from behind and stretching his legs. The arms can be slightly bent at the elbows. The woman lays down on top of him with her legs on his shoulders and moves her hips. Oh-oh-very deep penetration!

31. lying lotus

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Bring some yoga into your sex life. The woman lies on her back with her legs crossed in the lotus position. The man is attached between her legs and penetrates from above. It may happen that you are too heavy for a friend, so let her hug you. You can put a pillow under her hips — this is to change the angle.

32. Lustful leg

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Again, you'll need to be Olympic-flexible. The bottom line is that the partners stand opposite each other, and the woman throws one leg on the man's shoulder. For the convenience of a friend, you can first sit down a little. It is dangerous if she does not do gymnastics and she has a bad stretch! And then the woman holds her hands around your neck, and you — for her ass. In short, a pose for heroes.

33. Balance and squats

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Here you will need strength and training — More specifically, your friend. The woman stands on the edge of the bed, and the man — on the floor behind her. Then she crouches, and he helps her aim. She grabs his arms to keep her balance. Well, almost tightrope walkers: balance-balance!

34. magic mountain

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

First of all, you need to build a mountain of pillows. Then the woman kneels next to her and leans on them with her chest. The man kneels behind her. This pose needs big pillows!

35. Bandolier

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back, pulling her knees up to her chest. The man kneels in front of her, and she puts her feet on his chest. He rests his forearms on her legs — and the job is done. If you press your legs harder to her chest — pleasure must increase. BesidesThat is, in this position, the G-spot is stimulated.

36. Propeller

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

This is unusual! The woman lies on her back, stretching and connecting her legs. The man lies on top of her head to her feet. This, of course, will require practice, with success we are not sure.

37. rock and roll

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

As you understand, this is not the original name of the pose. But it sounds damn cool! The woman lies on her back and stretches her legs so that they are above her head (as if she is about to do a somersault back). The man kneels in front of her.

38. Fan

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman stands with her back to her partner and rests her elbows on something: for example, on a chair. The man comes up behind. What is a good posture? You have free hands, and the position provides deep penetration, and is also suitable for anal sex.

39. boat

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

First, the man lies on his back, and the woman sits on him. Then the man sits down, pulls his knees towards him, the woman does the same — and they sit face to face. Your legs will be pressed against her body, her legs — right behind your feet. You can hold onto each other's legs and your own to keep from falling. This is such a fun thing.

40. Eagle

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits on his knees in front of his partner, spreading his legs. She lies on her back with her legs spread wide. He holds her by the legs and then does everything on his own.

41. Hanging scissors

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Only for athletes! That's where the real hardcore is!

This position requires more energy, and from a friend — also hand strength. She lies at the edge of the bed on her side, only her calves, ankles and legs are on the mattress. She supports herself with her left hand, and he holds her waist. He steps over her left leg and, holding her other leg overhead, enters her as she literally dangles from the bed! Doesn't sound very smart, but it basically works. She must like it!

42. Star

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back, bending one leg at the knee and stretching the other. The man sits between her legs, stepping over the one that is stretched forward. Then he leans back, leaning on his hands.

43. Like a dog

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

An absolute classic, in the repertoire of any girlfriend. She gets on all fours and he kneels behind her, holding her hips. Not on the carpet, man!

44. Triumphal Arch

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, a woman sits on top of him. Then he raises his upper body and bends forward — and she leans back until her back is on his legs.

45. Reverse cowgirl

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Yiiihaaa! Ride me, rider! This is perhaps one of the coolest positions on the entire list.The man lies on his back, and the woman sits on top with her back to him. She can rest her hands on his hips — so it will be easier for her to move.

46. Super 8

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

She is lying on her back, spreading her legs — you can put a pillow under your lower back. He lies on top, supporting himself on outstretched arms. She puts her hands on his hips or on his back and rises to meet his movements.

47. Amazon

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits comfortably on a chair, a woman sits on top of him facing him. Her feet should rest on the floor — this will allow her to move up and down.

48. Dog

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Variation of dog posture. She's still on all fours, but she's down on her forearms and he's penetrating her from behind. What else is high — you can caress her breasts.

49. criss-cross

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

She lies on her back and crosses her legs, her butt is somewhere on the edge of the bed. You stand in front of her, take her hands on her legs — and you can breed them and cross them again if you like.

50. ship

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, a woman sits on him sideways, spreading her legs — from the back it looks like a boat that floats on the water — hence the name of the position. She controls every move!

51. Landslide

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

By the way, a real challenge for any dude. How are things? The girl lies on her stomach, leaning on her forearms and stretching her legs, — they should be slightly spread apart. He sits right behind her legs and holds on to her torso, then leans back at a 45-degree angle — so it's easier to get in. Well, then you know: you move back and forth, and the partner can squeeze her legs for a change.

52. Snail

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

This is worthwhile business! First, the woman lies on her back, then pulls her knees to her chest and throws her legs over her partner's head.

He kneels in front of her and enters her, transferring the weight to his hands, which rests either on the bed or on the shoulders of his lady. This position is great for deep penetration, so we recommend stocking up on lube so as not to hurt the lady. But in fact, for a woman, the pose is extremely favorable.

53. Slip

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits on his knees and leans back, transferring his weight to his hands, on which he leans behind his back. The woman lies on her back, puts her head on the pillow. She wraps her knees around his hips to create the most favorable angle for penetration. She has her hands free so she can play with her breasts and clitoris while the man follows the movement. This is a very erotic position, again, suitable for deep penetration. What makes her even better is that you get a great view: you can watch her reaction, which is entertaining.

54. The loop

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Good posture: you can penetrate deeply and at the same time maintain complete control over the situationey. To do this, you kneel, lean back and support yourself with one hand. The woman also kneels, and also leans on her elbows — as in doggy position. A woman moves in this position. During this time, you can use your free hand as you see fit.

55. G-stimulation

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back and pulls her legs up to her chest. The man kneels in front of her and holds her feet. He moves his hips and can control every move. And on his conscience — equilibrium. If you want to improve the position, you can make the woman's legs on your chest, and at the same time hold her hips — so you can go even deeper.

56. Stranglehold

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Perhaps this position will be more comfortable if a woman puts a pillow under her butt to make it easier for her to lift her hips. A woman moves her pelvis — possible in different directions. Great posture for afternoon fun in bed.

57. Challenge accepted

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

What's the challenge? And now you will understand. To try this pose, you will need a stable chair, remarkable flexibility and strength.

A woman stands on a chair and squats. Penetration — and then you know what to do. Oh, it's not easy, I'll tell you, dude!

58. Fold

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on a pillow on the floor or on a very hard mattress. The man is located between her thighs and enters her, pulling her to him; he stretches his legs so that they are near her head. He moves his hips and can simultaneously kiss her breasts or belly — what it will reach. And the woman relaxes and enjoys.

59. Sitting on a perch

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits on a chair, and a woman — on his knees, turning his back to his partner. She puts her feet on the floor and moves up and down. The woman's hands are free, so that she can stimulate her clitoris and breasts with them. To facilitate penetration, she can lean back.

60. Candle

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

This position provides deep penetration, but for a woman to keep her legs up can be oh so difficult.

A woman lies on her back with her head on a pillow, raises her pelvis and for convenience can put a smaller pillow under it or lean on the edge of the bed. She tilts her pelvis back and pulls her knees up to her chest so that her partner can kneel in front of her. His hands are free, and he can caress her thighs, where there are a lot of erogenous zones.

61. gag

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, stretching his legs and spreading them apart. The woman lies on top and penetration is made. After that, the woman stretches her legs and begins to move back and forth at any speed. This is a great position if you like the most complete body contact — you can kiss and hug. Also good for women who find deep penetration painful.

62. Sentence

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

To succeed in this position, you need to practice! But she's worth it.

Partners kneel facing each other, he leans on his right knee (kaas if making an offer) — and the woman repeats this pose — so partners can be as close as possible to each other. To enter a woman, you need to lean forward a little, here you will find a little fuss, but we believe in you, dude!

63. Tachanka

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

It's not an easy task, but no one said it would be easy! As they say, do you like to ride — love to carry sleds: if you want new sensations, try.

So, to implement this crazy idea, the woman gets on all fours, resting her forearms on the pillows. A man kneels behind and in this position enters her (you can stand on one knee), and then rises to his feet. Hold her legs, keep your balance!

64. lotus bud

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Here you need flexibility — you in the first place.

You sit in the lotus position, your girl is arranged on top and wraps her legs around your waist. You help her move by holding her hips with your hands, and you can also try to move up and down yourself.

65. Mermaid

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies down on a table or something suitable in height and moves to its edge. You can put a pillow under her butt so that you both feel more comfortable and to be as close as possible to each other. She can put her hands under the pillow to make it more convenient to raise the pelvis even higher, hold on to the table or do nothing. The man enters her while standing. If you decide to sit on the bed, you can kneel. Hold her legs to balance — this will give you extra stability and the possibility of deeper penetration.

66. Hidden tiger

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits down on the bed with his legs stretched out horizontally. The woman lies on top of him so that her legs are turned in the opposite direction, and she lies on her stomach. The woman stretches her legs back and relaxes the torso between her partner's legs, and then begins to slide up and down and uses her legs for this.

67. Kayak

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits leaning on his right hand and stretching out his legs. The woman sits on top with her back to him and leans forward, getting on all fours. She controls the movements, and he has one hand free, with which he can please his partner somehow else.

68. Clasp

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man stands up, a woman wraps her legs around his waist, and he supports her behind her butt or behind her back. To make the design more reliable, and the penetration of — deeper, she can lean her back against the wall.

This position can be used anywhere, anytime. Her only drawback — it is that a certain strength is required from a man in order to hold a partner.

69. ball

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Try only if you're flexible enough!

A man sits down on the bed, a woman sits on top and pulls her legs up to her. She moves in this position, and the man kisses her back. This position requires skill, but it has a significant advantage: thanks to it, a man remembers those parts of a woman’s body that he usually does not pay attention to.

70. Cart on my knees

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

>It is a little simpler than the previous version of the Tachanka.

The woman gets on all fours (more precisely, on her elbows and one knee) and leans on her forearms, and the partner kneels behind her. He holds her hips as she stretches her other leg back. This position will be exhausting for your girlfriend, so it's so — just for variety.

71. Samba sideways

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The woman lies on her side on the bed or on the floor and stretches her legs at an angle of 90 degrees in front of her. It turns out this form of the letter L.

A man lies down on top, leaning on outstretched arms placed on both sides of her torso. You need to move slowly and carefully.

72. Sphinx

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her stomach, transferring weight to her forearms and putting one leg to the side, and stretching the other back. The man lies on top and enters her from behind, again, leaning on his hands. What is good — it is the pressure of the man's body on the woman's pelvis, this will provide her with pleasure, and the rhythmic movements will complete the job.

73. Column

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Both partners are standing, woman — back to the partner, he holds it with his hands for balance. The man enters the partner from behind, and she leans forward slightly. And she can also lean on a wall or table to achieve deeper penetration and generally make the task easier.

74. Guestbook

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

As the name implies, this pose is suitable for any occasion — for any place and time: you never know what.

Partners stand facing each other. A small detail: it will be easier if the woman is in heels or just the same height as her partner. And if not, you can stand on a step or on tiptoe — oops!

75. Easy Rider

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Another variant of the «rider». The man lies on his back, the woman sits on top facing him, as in reverse rider, but leans forward and leans on her hands. He holds her by the waist as she slides up and down. In principle, she may not rely on her hands, but do something else with them.

76. supernova

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Everything starts from the usual position "woman on top"; on a made bed — no need under the covers, trust me. And anyway, who has sex under the covers? But the man lies down so that his head lies on the edge of the bed.

A woman sits on top, resting her soles on the bed, leans back and transfers her weight to her outstretched arms. So she rides her partner until she hits. And then she can lean her hands on his torso and already sit on her knees — transformation! And at the same time, she moves him so that his head and hands are on the floor. In short, technology is required.

77. Spider

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits down, stretching his legs in front of him, and leans on his arms extended behind his back. His partner sits on top and moves her hips, also leaning on her hands.

78. Stairs

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The name seems to tell you: you need a ladder. On it, the woman will stand on all fours (hands one step above her knees, and her feet one more step lower). The man holds her by the waist from behind and rests his knees on the same step on which the foot standsmi is his partner, and his legs are one step lower. Suitable for anal sex too! But where will you find a ladder that will be comfortable to practice on...?

79. Basket

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits on the floor or on a hard mattress, stretching his legs in front of him and slightly bending one of them at the knee. The woman sits on top and he holds her hips. She can control the depth and intensity of her movements, and it's also the perfect position for kissing and hugging.

80. Y on the side

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The name speaks for itself — this is the figure your bodies form as a result. How to achieve it? To begin with, the woman lies face down on the bed so that her pelvis is exactly on the edge of this very bed. The woman's head will thus be closer to the floor, and she will also lean on it with her forearms. The man lies on top and rests his hands on her pelvis. Well, how does it look like a gamer on its side?

81. Zen

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

It's such a peaceful pause in the middle of your bed madness. You can take a break from any weird positions in this cute position, so try it at your leisure.

Partners lie on their side facing each other (if possible, move to this position without interrupting the penetration), the woman throws her leg behind the man's back and presses against him. Sometimes it's even cooler than any incredible jumps on each other.

82. Whisper

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her side, cross-legged, and a man lies on his side in front of her. She wraps her legs around him and clasps the back of his ankles. He moves back and forth and, if desired, can whisper something in his partner's ear.

83. Side saddle

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, his legs stretched out and slightly apart and his head resting on a pillow. The woman sits on top so that her legs are on one side of his torso. And she leans on her hands and moves like this.

84. Cot

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back with a pillow under her head and legs up so that they are above her shoulders — as straight as possible! The man kneels and holds her legs, resting one hand on the bed and leaning forward.

85. Correct Angle

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back on a table, putting a pillow under her head and moving to the edge of the table. The man stands on the floor in front of her and she wraps her legs around him. With his hands, he can stimulate her erogenous zones. This position gives just the same very favorable angle of penetration.

86. Indrani

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The pose is named after one of the Hindu goddesses. In this position, the woman lies on her back with a pillow under her head and her legs pulled up to her chest. The man kneels in front of her, she holds on to his hips and wraps her legs around his chest.

87. Shoulder stand

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

First, you need the woman to lie down on a hard surface face up. She leans on her hands and lifts her legs and buttocks off the floor until she stands in a kind of "birch tree"o;. The man kneels in front of her and supports her buttocks, she throws her legs over his shoulders. Now she leans on her elbows and holds his hips. Not an easy task!

88. laptop

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

High-tech name! A man sits on a chair — as if he was going to sit comfortably with a laptop. The woman sits on top facing him and throws her legs over his shoulders, hugging his neck. Anyone can move.

89. Pickup Master

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man lies on his back, bending his knees and spreading them a little. The woman sits on top with her back to him and leans on his knees. She controls the movements.

90. Behind

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

It will be easier if the woman leans against the wall. And it’s not difficult at all: the partners are standing, the woman has her back to the man. She leans forward a little and he enters her from behind. Voila!

91. Toad

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The woman lies on her back, legs apart, the partner lies on top of her, and she rests on his buttocks with her legs. Does it look like a frog? You can hug as much as you like — very romantic, despite such a controversial name.

92. Buddy

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The woman lies on her side, and the man sits down behind her. He slides his knee deeper between her legs and enters her. She moves that leg, which, by the will of fate, turned out to be on top, and bends it a little in order to maintain balance and make it easier for the man.

93. criss-cross

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her side, hands above her head. The man also lies on his side perpendicular to his partner. She lifts her top leg and he can fit between her thighs. He holds her by the shoulders to make it easier to move.

94. Waterfall

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A man sits on a chair, a woman sits on it and wraps her legs around it. Then she leans back (attention: you need balance!), And the man holds her by the shoulders to avoid an accident. You have to be very flexible!

95. Indian handstand

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

The woman rests her hands on the floor, the man comes up from behind and raises her legs, holding the partner by the belt. She clasps her legs behind his back. To succeed in this pose, you will need to be flexible and strong. And you can’t practice it for a long time: it’s hard for a girl.

96. Harmonic

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back, putting a pillow under her head and pressing her legs to her chest. The man kneels in front of her and she puts her feet on his chest. He holds the woman by the knees. Penetration is very deep.

97. Wednesday evening after lunch

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

Such a lazy pose, ideal for relaxing entertainment.

A man lies on his side, leans his head on his arm, bent at the elbow. The woman lies on her back perpendicular to him and rests her feet on the floor behind his back. We can look into each other's eyes! A very favorable angle for a woman.

98. wide open

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

A woman lies on her back with a pillow under her head. The man sits on his knees in front of her, she puts her pelvis on him and wraps her legs around him. The man holds his partner behind his back.

99. Reverse slip

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

For this you will need skills and, of course, the desire to do strange things.

A man lies on his back, stretching his legs towards the edge of the bed. The woman sits on top of him, he enters her. Then she stretches her legs forward and rests them on the bed behind his body, leaning back and resting her hands on the floor behind the bed. That's some acrobatic stuff.

100. Official

TOP 100 Kama Sutra poses with detailed description (100 pictures + text)

It is also used anywhere, in any conditions. The man stands with his back against the wall. The woman hangs on him, wrapping her arms around his neck, and also resting her feet against the wall. You both must be strong dudes, I tell you!

6 June 2013
Ого, как много я не знал..)
6 June 2013
2 580 comments
і не пробував ;)
6 June 2013
161 comment
хочу первую
7 June 2013
1 503 comments
правая кнопка мыши > сохранить как > JPEG > рабочий стол
7 June 2013
1 129 comments
я за собачью классику вечером в среду)))))
7 June 2013
2 789 comments
7 June 2013
161 comment
О спасибо! Неужели все так просто... wink выберу еще парочку!
18 December 2017
Жаба нечтяк
5 June 2020
Ёлки Палки вот это позы
30 September 2020
Мамзелька отпадная !! Браво художнику!
Дикая кошка
Дикая кошка
8 October 2020
Охринеть, с мужем все позы перепробовали. Есть некоторые которые сложные, а есть класс
24 October 2023
Дженькуе бардзо!
17 July 2024
22 August 2024
девчонки кто хочет индийскую позу или водопад пишите inst: maksimkaog

я написала хочу побыстрее в татарпул позочку

иди нахуй бендера
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