Where fruits grow (37 photos)

26 December 2012

Just recently I told you how and where bananas and pineapples grow. Let's learn about other exotic fruits and more.

How bananas grow

Bananas are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia. As a food, bananas are cultivated in the tropics. At temperatures below 16 C, growth slows down significantly, and at 10 C it stops altogether.

Contrary to popular belief, bananas do not grow on palm trees. The banana plant is a 5 meter tall herb similar to a palm tree. With a thick, up to 20 centimeters grassy trunk.

In Russia, bananas grow in the vicinity of Sochi, but the fruits do not ripen to the point of being suitable for food.

How olives grow

Olives are the fruits of a cultivated species of olive tree - Olive europaea. This is an evergreen subtropical tree 4-5 (10-12) meters high. (Photo by Francesco Quarto):

According to international terminology, there are black olives - the ripe fruits of the olive tree and green olives - the unripe fruits of the olive tree. In Russia, green fruits (unripe) are called olives; black olives are called olives (ripe). This division exists only in Russia.

How does avocado grow?

The English name for the avocado tree and the fruits of the same name is alligator pear. Avocado is a fast-growing tree, reaching a height of 18 meters. The trunk is usually straight and highly branched.

Avocado is an oval or spherical fruit, often similar to a pear, 5–20 cm long, weighing 0.05–1.8 kg.

Where does durian grow?

Durian is a tropical tree of the Malvaceae family, the fruit of which is a fruit famous for both its taste and smell. Durian is native to Southeast Asia.

Durian grows on tall trees up to 45 meters high.

These are big fruits. They weigh more than 5 kg and have a very hard shell covered with spines. To understand the scale of durian. (Photo Herald)

How do watermelons grow?

Watermelon is a plant of the pumpkin family. The watermelon is native to South Africa, where it is still found in the wild. Watermelon was often placed in the tombs of pharaohs as a source of food in their afterlife. Watermelons were brought to Western Europe during the era of the Crusades.

Watermelons grow almost like cucumbers. The fields are called melon fields, where long vines stretch along the ground. Watermelons are formed on them:

Interesting fact: the world record for the weight of watermelons is approximately 119 kilograms. (Photo by Kderty):

How does a mango grow?

Mango is a genus of tropical plants and the name of a fruit with a sweet taste and fibrous structure. This plant is one of the national symbols in India and Pakistan.

The evergreen mango tree has a height of 10-45 meters; the crown of the tree reaches a radius of 10 meters. Blooming mango tree:

Ripe fruits hang on long stems and weigh up to 2 kg.

Where do dates grow?

As you might guess, dates grow on the date palm. Since ancient times, dates have been used by humans as a highly valuable food product. They are usually sold as dried fruits.

The date palm was grown as early as the 4th century BC. in Mesopotamia, on the territory of which modern Iraq is located. The date palm produces high yields for 60-80 years.

How does papaya grow?

Papaya is native to southern Mexico, Central America and northern South America, but it is now grown in all tropical countries.

Papaya, or melon tree, is a short, slender tree with a thin, branchless trunk 5–10 meters high. The flowers develop in the axils of the leaves, turning into large fruits, 10–30 cm in diameter and 15–45 cm in length.

How does a plum grow?

In total, several hundred species of plum are known, distributed mainly in the northern temperate regions of the globe.

The plum tree usually grows up to 6 meters in height:

Blooming plum tree:

How does grapefruit grow?

Grapefruit is a subtropical evergreen tree of the citrus genus. The botanist-priest Griffiths Hughes was the first to tell the world about grapefruit in 1750. (Photo by CLHyke):

The name is derived from English. grape (grapes) and fruit (fruit), since grapefruit fruits are often collected in clusters, thereby resembling bunches of grapes.

An evergreen tree is usually about 5-6 m in height, but there have been cases when the height of the tree reached 13-15 m. The fruits reach a diameter of 10-15 cm. The average time for the fruits to ripen is approximately 9-12 months. (Photo by Sarah Biggart):

Where does pomegranate grow?

Pomegranate is a genus of shrubs and small trees with thorny branches, reaching a height of 5-6 meters.

50-60 kg of fruits are usually collected from one tree. The tree lives about 100 years.

Pomegranate comes from Persia, and its name translated from Latin means “grainy”, “faceted”. According to ancient legend, there are exactly the same number of seeds in a pomegranate as there are days in the year. But in fact, a pomegranate can contain more than a thousand grains.

Where the coconut grows

The scientific name of the genus comes from the Portuguese word coco ("monkey") and is given because of the spots on the nut that make it look like a monkey's face. The origin of the coconut palm is unknown; it is believed to be native to Southeast Asia (Malaysia). It is now ubiquitous in the tropics of both hemispheres.

The coconut palm is a tall tree (up to 27–30 meters). Trunk - 15-45 cm in diameter, leaves 3-6 meters long:

Coconuts grow in groups of 15-20, fully ripening within 8-10 months.

How do pineapples grow?

Pineapples grow in tropical South America and south to Argentina and Paraguay. Pineapple is a terrestrial plant with a spiny stem and leaves.

In orderly rows. Pineapple plantation. (Photo by Estevam Cesar):

Picking pineapples. (Photo by Rahmat Hussain):

Pineapples weigh from 2 to 15 kg and look like a big pine cone:

How oranges grow

Oranges grow on orange trees up to 4-6 to 12 meters high.

The orange is native to Southeast Asia. European travelers brought the orange to Europe in the 15th century.

In Argentina, even a special aircraft was developed for transporting oranges (FMA I.Ae. 38 Naranjero). Its name (Spanish: Naranjero) translates as “Orange” or “Orange Merchant”.

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