Things that surround us (16 photos)

Category: Macro, PEGI 0+
9 February 2012

Let's take a closer look at the things that surround us.

Tobacco: tobacco mosaic virus fragments at 34,000x magnification

Photography method: electronic transmission

LCD monitor: cholesteric phase 55% CB15 in E48 resistors used in LCD monitor manufacturing, at 100x magnification

Photography method: polarized light

Magazine: magazine cover printed on coated paper, 20x magnification

Photography method: fluorescence

Carpet: Carpet fibers at 20x magnification

Photography method: fluorescence and polarized light

Coffee: 1,3,7-trimethylpurine-2,6-dione (caffeine) crystals at 20x magnification

Photography method: polarized light

Money: section of a coin at 63x magnification

Photography method: polarized light

Milk: cow's milk at 2800x magnification

Photography method: light microscope

CD: CD surface at 416x magnification

Photography method: Light microscope

Fly: sperm of the fruit fly Drosophila virilis at 400x magnification

Photography method: dark field microscope

Contact lens liquid: crystals left behind after contact lens liquid evaporates, at 400x magnification

Photography method: differential interference contrast

Condom: monodisperse latex spheres at 100x magnification

Photography method: light microscope

Leather jacket: LLCPK1 cell culture from porcine epithelium at 1000x magnification

Photography method: confocal and epifluorescence microscopy

Saccharin: saccharin crystals at 25x magnification

Photography method: polarized light

Plastic bag: deformed polyethylene sheet at 40x magnification

Photography method: polarized light

Vitamin B1: Thiamine (Vitamin B1) crystals at 28x magnification

Photography method: polarized light

Paper: Juncus sp. fibers from machine-made paper at 100x magnification

Photography method: confocal microscopy

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