Останні обійми друзів посеред річки, що розлилася (8 фото + 1 відео)

6 червня 2024

Tragic footage captures three friends' farewell moments amid flooding. The couple and their friend were last seen alive in the rushing Natisone River near Udine, northern Italy.

Last Friday, Patricia Cormos, 20, her friend Bianca Doros, 23, and her boyfriend Cristian Molnar, 25, went for a walk in Friuli. According to some reports, they reached an island in the middle of the river at low tide.

A little later, eyewitnesses took pictures of the company standing in the middle of a flooded river. Unable to reach the shore, the trio held out until the last.

One of the girls called the police at about 1:35 p.m., and rescuers arrived at the scene near the Roman Bridge.

A fireman shouted to them from the bridge to stay close to each other: “Stay together, hug each other.”

Fire chief Giorgio Basile said: "We threw them a rope, but they were literally swallowed up before our eyes. We saw them disappear."

He added: "The problem is not so much the rain, but the strength of the river, very strong currents. There are gorges, there is backflow of water, and even for experts this is a particularly difficult task."

Bianca Doros, 23 years old

A helicopter also arrived at the scene, but one and a half minutes after the people disappeared.

Search efforts have not stopped since Friday. The bodies of Kormos and Doros were found on Saturday about 1 km from where they were last seen.

Christian Molnar, 25 years old

Doros lived in Romania and apparently came to visit her family in Italy. Molnar, who has yet to be found, is also Romanian.

Patricia Kormos, 20 years old

Udine fire department deputy chief Sergio Benedetti said: "The search continues using all the resources we have. We will not stop until we find the third missing person. It is hoped that he is alive. The water, although very slowly, is receding."

The governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Massimiliano Fedriga, expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and also thanked the firefighters and search and rescue team.

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