Римська вілла "Аврора" - найдорожчий будинок у світі (7 фото + 1 відео)

27 жовтня 2022

Villa "Aurora", located on a hill in the heart of Rome and adorned with the only ceiling fresco ever painted by the old master of the Italian Baroque Caravaggio, is considered the most expensive house in the world. An Italian court ruled back in 2021 that it should be sold at auction. Only the price was so high that no buyer has yet been found.

Villa of the 16th century of about 3000 square meters is within walking distance of the famous Via Veneto, where the best hotels of Rome are located, not far from the famous square Spain and the ancient gates of the Port of Pinchan.

The villa is all that remains of the 30-hectare complex, belonging to the Italian noble family Ludovisi, which gave country of numerous diplomats, patrons and even the Pope.

Today Villa Aurora is at the center of a legal battle, and an Italian court ruled that it should be auctioned off. Only the price set for real estate is so high that no one not interested in buying.

“For that, you have to have a billionaire; A millionaire is not enough says Princess Rita Boncompagni-Ludovisi, current owner of the villa. — Need someone with a big wallet, someone who doesn't care if they have to spending 10 grand on a water leak or something like that.”

Princess Rita Boncompagni-Ludovisi, 72, is the Prince's third wife Nicolo Ludovisi Boncompagni. After Nicolò's death in 2018, she and the three his sons from his first marriage are involved in a legal battle, and the precious villa "Aurora" is located in its center. Since the parties failed to come understand, it was decided to hold an auction, and the proceeds to be divided between them. But auctioning off the most expensive house in the world is no easy task.

Back in January, when the first auction took place, the alleged the price of the villa "Aurora" was 471 million euros (at that time 539 million dollars). And, despite the historical and artistic value, no one was particularly surprised that the property was not found buyer.

“I would be amazed if there was a buyer. The price is too high,” Alessandro Zuccari told The Guardian at the time. professor at La Sapienza University in Rome who helped with the assessment. -Let's see what happens in April, but I doubt the success - that will do someone like Bill Gates with the Aurora Villa, especially with any additional costs?

Wall painting by Caravaggio

Good location in the heart of the capital of Italy and historical context associated with some of the greatest thinkers and artists Europe is not enough to give Villa Aurora the title of "most the most expensive house in the world." But this title can be explained by the artistic treasures, in particular the ceiling fresco brush Caravaggio. The cost of a unique wall painting is estimated at 310 million euros. It is reported that it was created in 1597 and discovered only sometime in the 1960s.

In April, the next auction took place, but the Villa "Aurora" again did not leave with hammer, even at a discount of approximately 20% of the original requested prices. Nobody wanted to participate in the auction anyway. Now a princess Rita Boncompagni-Ludovisi addressed some of the world's leading real estate agencies asking to find a buyer for the house, but this turned out to be a difficult task.

Fresco Guercino

Princess Boncompagni-Ludovisi also appealed to the Italian government with a request to buy the villa and keep it, and her desire shared by nearly 40,000 people who signed the petition. But despite discounted price, Villa Aurora is most likely beyond the reach of the Ministry culture of Italy.

To date, the villa remains on the real estate market and retains the title of "the most expensive home in the world."

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