russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 13-14

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
15 December 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- The Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine in the fall of 2023 and the coming winter will be aimed at weakening Western support for Ukraine, and not at achieving any immediate operational goals - ISW, the situation at the front.

▪️ The Russian military may now be carrying out costly offensive actions during an unfavorable period for ground maneuvers. This may be due to the desire to transfer a potential change in the course of hostilities to the field of negotiations in the West regarding continued support for Ukraine.

▪️ The war in Ukraine has devastated the pre-war Russian army, although the Russian Federation has partially compensated for these losses and continues to prepare for prolonged military action.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces continued offensive operations northeast and south of Bakhmut, and recently advanced south of Bakhmut.

▪️Ukrainian forces repelled at least 14 Russian attacks in the area of Krasnohorivka (immediately west of Donetsk), Marinka and Novomikhailovka.

▪️Heavy fighting is also reported in the Krynki area.

- 10/10 ballistic missiles and 10/10 suicide bombers destroyed tonight over Ukraine

- 41 out of 42 suicide bombers shot down

On the night of December 14, 2023, the Russian Federation attacked Ukraine with the help of UAVs and anti-aircraft guided missiles of the S-300 system. Six missiles were launched around midnight from the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region in the direction of the Nikolaev and Kherson regions.

Combat UAVs "Shahed-136/131" began attacking from 19:00 on December 13. Their launches occurred in waves in three directions: Balaklava, Chauda - Crimea and Primorsko-Akhtarsk - Russian Federation. A total of 42 launches of enemy strike UAVs were recorded.

The main direction of attack is Odessa region! The air defense forces managed to shoot down almost all the suicide bombers.

- the Russian Federation hit Ukraine with three Kinzhal missiles, - PS.

Rockets were launched at about 14:15. Arrivals to the Starokonstantinov area were already at 14.20. From the moment the air raid warning was announced to arrivals in central Ukraine, only 10 minutes passed.

The pit after the night attack

More consequences of the night attack in Kyiv

The first photos show a 71-year-old man looking at his damaged apartment, the others show local residents and the consequences.

- I think it went somewhere wrong. Arestovich, what happened?

- Putin:

There will be peace in Ukraine when Russia achieves its goals.

The West gave Ukraine everything it promised, and even more, for free. But this may soon end.

Since the beginning of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, the Russian Federation has destroyed 747 tanks and 2.3 thousand armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Currently, there are 244 thousand mobilized in the special operation zone, 41 thousand people have been dismissed due to health reasons or upon reaching the age limit.

This year, 486 thousand people have already been drafted into the Russian army under contract.

Why do we need another mobilization? Not necessary.

Russians and Ukrainians are one people, now there is something like a “civil war”.

Odessa is a Russian city, everyone knows about it, but they made up historical nonsense.

(quote from Bismarck) Wars are won not by generals, but by schoolteachers and priests.

EU countries have largely lost their sovereignty and are making decisions to their own detriment. Orban and Fico are not pro-Russian, but pro-national politicians. The rest depends on the “big brother”.

Ukrainians are simply being pushed to extermination. The Ukrainian military themselves say that this is a one-way street.

The whole world sees the difference between what is happening in Gaza and in Ukraine; there is nothing like this in Ukraine. As they say, “feel the difference.” Gaza is a disaster.

Putin says there are now 617,000 Russian troops in Ukraine.

- Russian Kinzhal missiles tried to hit the Ukrainian Starokonstantinov airbase.

Starokonstantinov is extremely well fortified and protected from such attacks by Western air defense systems.

- European leaders decided to begin negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova on joining the European Union (EU)

- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban left the room as leaders decided to begin talks on Ukraine's accession, three EU diplomats told the Guardian.

- The Russian Federation plans to capture Kharkov and the Dnieper and continue the war until 2026, BILD reports, citing sources.

Russian authorities are counting on reducing Western support for Ukraine, as well as simulating peace negotiations in order to mislead the international community.

By the end of 2024, it is planned to establish full control over the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and reach the Oskol River in the Kharkov region.

By the end of 2026, it is planned to advance further west to the Dnieper, capturing a significant part of the Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions, including Kharkov, Dnieper and Zaporozhye.

On the Kherson front it is planned to hold the defense along the Dnieper without attacking the right bank of Kherson or Odessa.

All eastern territories to the left of the Dnieper must be conquered within 36 months. The Russian authorities are ready to lose up to 100 thousand soldiers annually in Ukraine.

- Germany transferred the second Patriot air defense system to Ukraine

- The US Senate postponed the holiday recess as negotiations on aid to Ukraine and border security continue, - CGTN America, citing Democratic leader Schumer.

- There is a powerful explosion and glow in occupied Mariupol. Lots of ambulances.

- Russian hackers from the Solntsepek group claimed responsibility for the attack on Kyivstar

According to a group of hackers, they have successfully hacked the network of a telecom operator and established a lasting influence there. They claim that the attack destroyed the organization's internal network infrastructure, which provides communications for millions of subscribers, including the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Also, according to them, the hackers managed to obtain personal data of the company’s clients: names, passport details and addresses. We are talking about millions of such records.

It is believed that backup copies of data were destroyed, and the hackers provided screenshots of the backup server as evidence of this action.

At the same time, yesterday Kyivstar denied the leak of users’ personal data.

- In Poland, 7 groups are preparing to seize objects and carry out terrorist attacks in Belarus, - the head of the KGB of the Republic of Belarus.

Not again, but again 🤦

And now I’ll show you...

- At a meeting of officials of the Dnepropetrovsk region

- Russia has thousands of 48N6 missiles, which were fired at Kyiv at night - Defense Express.

These missiles are still Soviet-made, and the Russian Federation continues to manufacture themvat. 48N6 has a range of more than 300 km.

- Polish carriers are prohibited from holding protests at the Yagodin-Dorogusk checkpoint

The carriers' application to hold a new protest was rejected by the mayor of Doroguska. In addition, he refused permission to transport workers to the border with Ukraine.

- Border guards entered into battle with the enemy DRG in the Sumy region

According to information from the State Border Guard Service, several members of the enemy group attempted to illegally enter Ukrainian territory across the border with the Russian Federation, and a shooting fight ensued. Artillery and mortar crews were sent to support forces on the spot.

As a result of the clash, the enemy was withdrawn, and his losses are currently being determined.

- Tonight a Russian drone violated Romanian airspace

It is reported that on the night of December 14, Germany activated the alarm by launching fighter jets in response to a Russian drone attack on the Ukrainian port of Izmail on the Danube River. At least one Shahed-type drone was recorded violating the airspace of Romania, a NATO member country.

Pilots from Germany exercised visual control over Russian drones, but despite this, they received orders not to shoot them down. It is reported that one of these drones could potentially explode in Romanian airspace.

- The air force will not talk about the consequences of hits from “Daggers,” - Ignat.

There will also be no information about where the missiles hit or didn’t hit.

“Let the enemy draw his own conclusions. Let’s not feed them information.”

- The first hearing in the case of terrorist Girkin-Strelkov took place in Moscow

He is precisely accused of terrorism and extremism because of his posts on social networks. The militant himself denies all accusations.

The meeting is held behind closed doors. Putin's former ally faces up to 5 years in prison.

- Time of arrival of Daggers to the cities of Ukraine🤬

The rocket can reach the capital in 3.2 minutes.

- in Russia they plan to mobilize another 170 thousand people as cannon fodder - Britain at the UN.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 300 thousand Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded. This is much more than during the 10 years of Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

- Elon Musk says this analysis is accurate:

“Ukraine has forever lost Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, most of Kherson and Zaporozhye. If she doesn't make a peace deal now, she will also lose Kharkov, Odessa, the rest of Kherson and much more. The flag is wavering, whoever thinks they are helping Ukraine is simply dismembering it.”

- Estonia will send Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles and other weapons worth 80 million euros

- The best thing that happened on a straight line

- Imports to Uzbekistan from Lithuania increased by 79%, from Belgium by 119%, and from Mexico by 7090% (!). Imports of German cars and spare parts to Kyrgyzstan increased by 5,500%. The total volume of “parallel imports” to Russia in 2022 exceeded $20 billion.

- Test for Russians - where to leave the Russian Federation

- Komi resident Evgeniy Zabolotny was given 12 years in prison for setting fire to the FSB building. According to him, this is how he wanted to draw attention to the war in Ukraine.

Usinsk resident Evgeny Zabolotny was sentenced to 12 years in prison in the case of arson of the FSB building. The total area of the fire was one and a half square meters. Zabolotny will spend the first three years in prison, the rest in a maximum security colony.

In court, Zabolotny partially admitted guilt in committing arson. According to the man, he was not planning a terrorist attack, but wanted to draw attention to the war in Ukraine.

The detention of Zabolotny became known in May of this year. According to media reports, Molotov cocktails caused “minor damage to part of the window and walls of the building” of the FSB in Usinsk.

After the verdict was announced, Zabolotny said that “12 years is a lot for setting the FSB on fire.”

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