russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 21-23

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
24 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- North Korea began supplying ammunition to the Russian army.

Here are the first images of what was delivered:

122 mm and 152 mm HE-FRAG shells, which are already issued to Russian artillerymen.

- A Russian missile hit the Nova Poshta terminal in the Kharkov region, - Zelensky.

As of now, 13 victims are known, there are also deaths...

As a result of the strike, 6 people were killed, 14 people were already hospitalized with injuries, - Chairman of the Kharkov OVA Sinegubov.

“The workers did not have a chance to reach the shelter in time. The sirens sounded seconds before,” Novaya Poshta.

Nova Poshta announces a day of mourning for fallen colleagues

These people were killed by the Russians when they struck the Nova Poshta terminal.

Alexander Temnikov, 31 years old;

Dmitry Gerasichkin, 30 years old;

Artem Akopov, 21 years old;

Alexander Bizhanov, 22 years old;

Vladislav Pankov, 28 years old;

Alexey Ermola, 23 years old.

- It’s almost impossible to shoot down: Russia began dropping 19 times more air bombs on the Kherson region.

Such a number has never existed, said the OVA speaker. Previously, the enemy fired 2-3 aerial bombs per day, now - 38. They fly low and are launched quickly, so it is difficult to destroy them.

- This is what those new drones look like.

The engine for this lawn mower costs about 18 thousand UAH on Alik.

If these are UAVs of the Itlams type, then they are capable of carrying more suicide bombers. That is 50+ kilograms

- Uncle Slava, one of the famous Russian-haired propagandists, has died.

He had an audience of more than half a million people in the country and was known for his mockery of Ukrainians on TikTok and chat roulette.

Glass earth

- Error occurred

- Let's go without politics

- The third most popular politician in Germany announced the creation of a party advocating the lifting of sanctions from the Russian Federation and against the supply of weapons to Ukraine, Bild reports

BILD observers call Sarah Wagenknecht’s new party “pro-Putin” and note that the new political force is gaining popularity

- News bringing nuclear war closer: Pilots of strategic nuclear bombers of the US Air Force must wear special glasses from March of this year to avoid being blinded by the flash of a nuclear explosion, - Army Times

Previously there was no such rule. It does not matter for what purpose the flight is carried out - patrolling or even training.

- The SBU detained an official of the Antimonopoly Committee who “turned a blind eye” for bribes in violation of the monopolists.

We are talking about an employee of the Northern Interregional Terrorist Division of the Antimonopoly Committee - Vladislav Derevianko. He would find a violation and then demand money. For $8 thousand, he offered the head of one of the enterprises to “resolve the issue” of notimposing fines on him for violation.

The service seized the official while handing over one of the “trenches” to him. The official is in custody. He faces up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property.

- Russia is using 436 aircraft in the war against Ukraine.

Enemy aviation starts from at least 40 airfields around our borders, including the territory of the acting. Crimea.

- Hungarian Prime Minister Orban compared Hungary's membership of the European Union with more than four decades of Soviet occupation:

“Yes, it happens that history repeats itself.

Fortunately, what was once a tragedy has now become a comedy at best.

Fortunately, Brussels is not Moscow. Moscow was a tragedy. Brussels is just a bad modern parody.

We had to dance to the tune that Moscow was whistling.

Brussels also whistles, but we dance as we want, and if we don’t want to, then we don’t dance!”

- Destroyed Russian armored group near Avdiivka in the Donetsk region

- The so-called troll factory began to work worse, even laziness began to write different comments. This is what a bunch of new bots look like on Twitter

- In Belarus, the district newspaper in Mozyr is being checked for extremism. On the same page with the article “There is such a profession - to defend the homeland,” encouraging readers to get a higher education at the Military Academy, the publication placed six ritual advertisements. The security forces did not like this juxtaposition

- Olga Nazarenko, a candidate of medical sciences who opposed the war, died in Ivanovo, who was tried under the “Dada” article and for the truth about the war.

—When I see obvious injustice, and systemic injustice, I cannot agree with it. And when I don’t agree, I’m ashamed to remain silent about it. I was brought up according to the well-known principle: “Do what you must, and come what may.”

On February 24, 2022, Olga came out to protest against the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. She stood up for a girl at a single picket, whom the security forces were trying to illegally detain; as a result, Nazarenko herself was detained.

Olga died yesterday, October 20. At the beginning of the month, she was admitted to intensive care with a serious injury. Public activist Olga Mazurova reported this on her Facebook. Unfortunately, all the circumstances are still unknown.

Almost until the last day, she went out on pickets, posted leaflets and spoke out against the war in Ukraine. At the same time, Olga was going through trials - two criminal cases were opened against her for “discrediting” and “repeated violation of the procedure for holding public events.” Also in 2022, she received several administrative fines and served 260 hours of mandatory work at a local zoo.

Neither fines, nor compulsory labor, nor criminal cases stopped Olga from protesting against injustice. The pickets, according to the woman, allowed her to support herself, like-minded people in Ivanovo and friends from Ukraine.

The human rights project OVD-Info opened a fundraiser on “At the same time” to support her relatives.

- It’s probably uncomfortable to sit on such a projectile

- Four photographs from Zaporozhye and one from a Kharkov bus

- Russian air defense continues to methodically destroy its own aircraft🫡

- Their struggle: in Belgorod, vigilant citizens complained about a suspicious blanket

- Symbolically. Russia's largest flag was torn to pieces after strong winds. Nature has been giving them signals for a long time.

- Volunteer Alexander Demidenko was kidnapped in the Belgorod region while he was helping a Ukrainian woman get from the Russian Federation to Ukraine

- This is success.

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