russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 19

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
20 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Financial Times:

Ukraine will call for urgent deliveries of anti-aircraft missile systems at a meeting of its Western allies this week, fearing that a severe shortage could allow Russia to launch a massive bombardment.

- Medvedev on the possible supply of weapons from South Korea to Kyiv:

I wonder what the inhabitants of this country will say when they see the latest samples of Russian weapons from their closest neighbors.

Our partners from the DPRK?

What is called, Quid pro quo…

- The second German-made IRIS-T SLM air defense system arrived in Ukraine

- Spanish Leopard 2A4 tanks and M113 armored personnel carriers have been sighted in the port of Santander in Spain, Ukraine is very likely their final destination.

- Ukrainian tanks M-55S with dynamic protection "Contact-1" and BMP M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA.

- First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine General Oleksandr Pavlyuk:

The Patriot air defense systems from the USA, the Netherlands and Germany have already arrived in Ukraine.

- Turkish MLRS TRLG-230 in service with the newly created 49th separate artillery brigade of Ukraine in pixel camouflage.

- If there is a serious threat to the Ukrainians, then South Korea will start supplying weapons to Kyiv, — President Yoon Seok Yeol.

"There can be no restrictions ( regarding the support and reconstruction of a country that has been illegally invaded. If a situation arises that the international community cannot accept, such as a large-scale attack on civilians, it will be difficult for us to insist on only humanitarian or financial support, we will send weapons", — he declared.

- Ukraine will maintain a strong position, but we must be realistic: there will be no magic moment when Russia collapses, — UK Secretary of Defense.

According to ( Wallace, he is confident in the planned counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but "the war will continue next year."

- Ukraine is running out of air defense ammunition, — financial times.

The publication writes ( that Kyiv fears that the lack of anti-aircraft missile systems could lead to massive bombing by the Russian Federation, and the counterattack will suffer failure. It is noted that at Ramstein, Ukraine will request urgent deliveries of anti-aircraft missiles.

- Kremlin propagandists simultaneously received parcels with plaster figurines, — Russian media.

After Tatarsky's death, they understood the hint from the level 80 troll and immediately ran to the police.

- The manufacturer HIMARS cannot increase the supply of missiles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — The Wall Street Journal.

The publication notes ( that the pace of supply of American weapons necessary for a successful counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not growing from - due to a shortage of rocket engines from the manufacturer HIMARS — Lockheed Martin Corporation.

- Artificial intelligence began self-learningteaching, — Daily Mail.

Google management said ( who is concerned about Bard's artificial intelligence and doesn't understand how it works. During the experiment, the program was asked to use Bengali, which it did not know. The AI managed to adapt and mysteriously mastered the language.

- "High Energy Acoustic Event", — that was the name given to the flare in the sky at the main center of special control.

It is reported that on April 19, 2023 at 21:57 Kyiv time, a high-energy acoustic event was registered on the territory of Ukraine by infrasound means. The estimated location of the epicenter of the explosion is in the Kyiv region.

The event is probably associated with the entry of a cosmic body into the dense layers of the atmosphere, the information is being specified.

But the campaign and what fell :)

– What did you do in Ukraine? – I didn’t know anything, I beat at the exercises!

- +620 stupid creatures died of the death of the invaders in Ukraine, but they could live

Among the officers we have today:

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Porotikov

▪️ Captain DonDon Troops Ramzan "Dzhigit" Kaimov

▪️Captain Anatoly Pakhomov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Alexander Sluzhenko

▪️Lieutenant Paizula Magomedov

In total, 183,750 asvabadiers laid down their stupid heads

- I threw out an advertisement for a contract service - I received a fine

▪️In Krasnodar, a peasant was handed an advertising bulletin, which he threw into the first trash can. He was detained for discrediting the army and fined 40 thousand rubles

Should I attach it to the wall near the family photos?

- Children will be included in the unified state database of conscripts

▪️Russians from the age of 14 will be included in the unified register of military registration, says a representative of the Central Election Commission. After the conscription reform, it will be used to send electronic summonses

Already goyda or is it too early?

- "deputy 1", "deputy 2", ...

- The United States announced a new $325 million aid package to Kyiv

As expected, it will include additional artillery shells and missiles for HIMARS systems.

The package will most likely also include anti-tank guided missiles TOW, anti-tank mines and other means of combating enemy armored vehicles.

Later this week, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chief of Joint Staff General Mark Milley will travel to Germany to meet with the Ukraine Contact Group, which includes about 50 countries, to discuss further assistance to Kiev in anticipation of the planned Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Ukraine's needs for ground-based air defense systems, armored vehicles and artillery are expected to be discussed during the meeting at the Ramstein air base on Friday.

According to experts, the efforts of the contact group to provide Ukraine with weapons and ammunition exceeded expectations, demonstrating the determination of the West to support Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

At the same time, despite all the help, Ukrainian forces are still short of weapons and ammunition on the battlefield, and, according to leaked reports, US military fearsThere are reports that Kyiv may run out of Soviet stockpiles of air defense missiles by May, making Ukraine more vulnerable to air strikes.

- Ballets to the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky will also be banned? How do we know about the death of a bald dwarf without "Swan Lake"?

- In the Russian history textbooks in the section about Kievan Rus, the mention of Kyiv was removed. Fu, be like that. The government has become quite miserable

- Has Belgorod already assessed air defense?

- Yes, there are such moods among Russians

- In the Sverdlovsk region, Protestant preacher Eduard Charov was fined 65,000 rubles for anti-war posts on social networks. "Come to your senses! Think about it, would Jesus Christ have gone to kill in Ukraine????!"

- New rf-reality

- Express gratitude

- And they could have imprisoned: in Krasnodar they detained and wrote out a protocol for discrediting the army on a man who took an advertisement for a contract service on the street and threw it into the first trash can. "Law enforcement officers" did not like that the man "defiantly threw away a leaflet with state symbols"

- Journalist Andrei Loshak

- Totalitarian sect

- I hope the gifts will come out like a BOMB

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