russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 5-6

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
7 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the movement "We are for Russia":

Ukrainian army completed preparations for counter-offensive in Zaporozhye.

They are ready and waiting for a go-ahead.

Anything can happen at any moment, and we are ready to meet the enemy fully armed.

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

I think this war will end soon.

Of course, I would like it not to start, but personally I consider this year a year of victory.

Ukraine will not agree to peace agreements with the Kremlin regime and Russian dictator Putin.

- "Ukrainian armored vehicles" launched mass production of 60 mm ammunition.

More than 100 thousand cartridges have already been handed over to the Ukrainian Army.

- Chinese Ambassador to the EU Fu Cong:

China does not recognize Crimea as Russian, as well as other territories of Ukraine, "incoming" into the Russian Federation.

"Friendship without borders" between Beijing and Moscow — rhetoric, nothing more.

- President of Poland Duda:

4 more MiG-29 fighters handed over to Ukraine.

- Zelensky on the possible withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Bakhmut:

If there is a threat of loss of personnel due to the environment, "correct decisions" will be made.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky during his visit to Warsaw:

In the future, there will be no borders between Ukraine and Poland - neither political, nor economic, nor historical.

- A Ukrainian light aircraft crashed in the Bryansk region of Russia.

The pilot is detained.

- Ukrainian plant "Artem" and the Polish PGZ will jointly produce 125-mm tank ammunition for the tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (T-64, T-72 and T-80).

- Poland will supply Ukraine with three companies (24 units) of 120-mm M120K RAK self-propelled mortars.

- Declaration of «limitless friendship» between Moscow and Beijing is nothing more than a rhetorical device, — Chinese Ambassador to the EU Fu Cong.

He also stated ( that Beijing does not support « SVO» in Ukraine, does not recognize Crimea as Russian — like other occupied territories.

- The President of Lithuania was a member of the CPSU and hid it in the elections.

Nauseda became a member of the CPSU in June 1988 and concealed this when he ran for the presidency in 2019. The relevant documents were published by a Lithuanian journalist. The presidential service confirmed this fact, but noted that Nauseda did not participate in the activities of the party.

- Talking about Ukraine's membership in NATO is completely unrealistic, — head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry.

Szijjártó also stated that Hungary "will not support any NATO decisions that could lead to a direct conflict with the Russian Federation."

- Gerasimov was considered a military genius, but turned out to be mediocre, — Bild.

"Not a single offensive by Gerasimov ( was successful. To the surprise of all experts, Gerasimov either attacked with tanks alone or bombed Ukrainian positions with all guns, without going on the offensive. With the exception of a few villages, Rusnya did not take a single important city this winter", — notes the publication.

- The official version of the fire in the Russian Ministry of Defense — the kettle caught fire.

Who exactly is this teapot — not specified.

- Pavelko is stuck in legal trouble — now he is accused of corruption not only in Ukraine, but also abroad: the president of the UAF was sued in Switzerland, — Le Monde.

Edition notes ( -l-uefa_6168315_3242.html) that he is accused of falsifying documents, threats, attempts at coercion and corruption. The hearing is due on October 12th.

Recall that the Kyiv Pechersk Court accused Pavelko of possible corruption in the construction of a factory for the production of football fields. He was even arrested, but later released on bail.

- Ukraine is ready for negotiations with the Russian Federation on Crimea, if Ukrainian troops reach its borders, — deputy head of the OP.

"If we manage to achieve our strategic ( goals on the battlefield and when we find ourselves on the administrative border with Crimea, we are ready to start negotiations, but this does not mean that we exclude the option of liberating Crimea by military means", — Sibiga said.

- Another 550 asvabadites will go in packages to their motherland

Among the demobilized:

▪️Senior Lieutenant Danil Petrushin

▪️Senior Lieutenant Ambartsum Aleksanyan

▪️Lieutenant Alexei Nizovtsev

▪️officer Oleg Sumarokov

During the entire period of the full-scale war, 176240 mobiles had a good stay in Ukraine

- Yuan became the most traded currency in Russia

▪️The yuan outperformed the dollar in monthly trading volume for the first time in February. In March, the difference became more noticeable

Is it time to start joking about China's 17 million square meter raw material appendage?

Krinzh! In Khabarovsk, newborns are wrapped in camouflage

▪️If during the birth of a child his father is in a bag on the NWO, the babies are given military blankets

Are they already put on military registration in maternity hospitals too?

- The first Chinese aircraft carrier "Shandong" left the South China Sea for the first time and is located 370 km east of southern Taiwan.

- China to check ships in the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan says it will not cooperate.

China's Fujian Provincial Maritime Security Administration has launched a three-day special joint patrol and inspection operation in the central and northern parts of the Taiwan Strait, which includes the landing of ships.

- The Japanese Ministry of Defense for the first time recorded the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong in the Pacific Ocean.

The ship was located about 300 km south of Hateruma Island, which belongs to Okinawa Prefecture.

The US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz is also located about 740 km east of Taiwan, in the same area as the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong.

- A self-made drone with cameras fell on the Fakel plant; in Khimki near Moscow.

The plant produces air defense systems "Tor" and S-400, modernizes the S-300 and Osa air defense systems.

The drone was discovered by security guards while walking around the plant.

- French diplomatic source on Macron's meeting with Xi:

French President Macron urged Chinese President Xi not to supply weapons to Russia.

Xi said it's not his war.

- American Stryker armored personnel carriers most likely arrived in Ukraine.

- The increase in the pace of the Russian offensive in the Avdiivka region led to heavy losses of the Russians — ISW.

ISW analysts note ( that they have not seen a build-up of Russian forces on the outskirts of the city of Donetsk, and it is unlikely that Russia will be able to continue to maintain such an increased pace of operations

- The United States will give Ukraine an experimental weapon against Iranian drones, — defense one.

We are talking about a number of solutions (, which will include :

➡️ electronic weapons systems (REC) — interfere with the normal functioning of the drones, forcing them to return to the base or change the route.

➡️ Drone capture systems with special predator drones or nets to physically capture enemy drones.

➡️ Kinetic weapon systems – destroy drones with missiles or precision-guided small arms.

➡️ Laser weapon systems to damage or destroy enemy drones.

- The inscription "Ukraine, the BPR is waiting" appeared on the "Wagner Line" in the Belgorod region.


- A self-made drone with cameras fell on the territory of the Fakel plant in Khimki (near Moscow).

Air defense systems "Tor" and "S-400" are produced at the plant and "S-300" and "Osu" are modernized. The UAV measuring 30 by 30 cm was found by security guards while walking around the territory of the enterprise. Previously, the drone fell due to communication jammers.

- The SBU reported the suspicion to the Metropolitan of the Cherkasy diocese of the UMP MP.

He is suspected of collaborating with the invaders.

- Aquaman will be the main actor of the movie about Minecraft.

The show date is scheduled ( for April 4, 2025. Among the actors – the protagonist of "Aquaman" Jason Momoa and director – Jared Hess.

- On the territory of the Valuysky urban district of the Belgorod region, the air defense system shot down a drone.

There are no casualties. Emergency services are on site.

- Macron failed to convince Xi Jinping about Russia's war with Ukraine, — Politico.

Chinese President Xi Jinping showed no signs of changing his position after the talks. In particular, he reiterated ( his long-standing thesis regarding Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, stating that " all parties have reasonable security concerns."

- The Moscow Patriarchate was expelled from Lviv.

The mayor of the city announced the termination of the existence of the UOC-MP in the city.


- The number of missiles in the Russian Federation has fallen to the maximum critical level, —Danilov.

"We monitor the number of missiles that are on the territory of Russia. It has indeed decreased to the maximum critical level. But this does not mean that there is no threat", — stressed NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov.

- Putin's red lines have disappeared, and Russia is ready to kneel forever.

The Russian Federation demanded not to supply weapons to Ukraine - they began to supply and nothing happened. "Battle tanks" were taboo, but more than 10 countries delivered them to Ukraine and - again, nothing happened.

Even the most ( important of all red lines, the attack on Russian territory, was crossed by Ukraine a few months ago and thus exposed yet another Russian bluff.

- +390 good Russians joined the ranks of Kobzon's fans

Successfully demobilized:

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Savinov

▪️Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Bikmurzin

▪️major trash Gumar Shakirov

In total, 176630 asvabatites have fallen back since the beginning of the full scale war

- Residents of Naberezhnye Chelny drove an iron horse to Asvabadites

If he reaches the front, it will already be a victory, I think!

- Subpoenas for the meat assault began to be sent out through the State Services!

▪️The electronic summons is handed over voluntarily-compulsorily. Everyone will row.

The only possible option - it's time to get out of Russia. If you haven't already

- Vladimir Kara-Murza was asked for 25 years in prison. It is reported by SOTA with reference to lawyer Maria Eismont.

- Crimean journalist Amet Suleymanov was sent to prison despite serious illness. Earlier, the man was sentenced to 12 years in prison in the Hizb ut-Tahrir case.

Civilian political prisoner Amet Suleymanov, who was sentenced by a Russian court to 12 years in prison, was taken into custody and taken to a detention center. Prior to this, the Crimean was under house arrest due to heart disease, according to the Crimean Solidarity public association.

“They said that a document with a seal had arrived, that the verdict had come into force. I asked – can we have at least 10 minutes, we fast in the month of Ramadan, we didn’t eat all day. I asked him to give at least 15 minutes for him to eat and get dressed. They said no, we must quickly pick up. Amet had only time to perform the evening prayer and get dressed. - said the wife of Suleymanov Lily Lyumanova.

“We consider this sentence to be death, since his state of health and the conditions of his stay in these institutions are incompatible. Amet has a lot of diseases: heart, lungs, stomach, and joints, just recently, gonarthrosis was confirmed in him – this is the destruction of cartilaginous joints, &rdash; she added.

- Love to the grave

- Such brochures from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with a proposal to become a contract soldier began to be massively sent to the mailboxes of Russia

For Russians❗️Don't be fooled by these numbers. Someone is still fighting for their payments, and someone died without receiving a penny.

- Half of the former skater left

I have two questions. What about the second half? Why is a Russian patriot sent to an unfriendly NATO country?

- And blasphemy to us, priests

- Forever

- A dude who moved to Serbia from Russia started a super-megathread about this country on Twitter

- More than 50 countries condemned Russian disinformation at an informal meeting of the UN Security Council on the deportations of Ukrainian children, the first event organized by Russia.

When Lvova-Belova spoke, representatives of several countries, including the USA, Great Britain, Malta left the hall and then returned only to condemn Russia. The joint statement of the United States, the European Union and Ukraine said "No disinformation spread by Russia can hide the essence of what is happening and protect the people responsible for these crimes from accountability" (my translation from NYT).

- Musk lifted restrictions on Russian and Chinese state media Twitter accounts – they returned to search results and recommendations

- Mural in Syrian Idlib

- Outplayed the west

- Deputy of the State Duma Andrei Gurulev proposed to return the concept of "enemy of the people" to the legislation; and apply to “deserving” This status is the most severe measures for Russians. The military leader stated this on the air of Vladimir Solovyov's program.

“We denied all this. Like, Stalin came up with this - he had this concept. But today it is precisely the enemies of the people. And we need to come to the fact that these people are called enemies of the people. Those who interfere with our victory and contribute to the defeat of Russia," the deputy suggested.

When asked by a journalist whether it's time to return the death penalty, Gurulev said that "executions are good", but even better is life-long penal servitude in the Far North without the right to amnesty.

“The fact that we shoot them will probably be good. But if they plow with a pick at the construction of the railway in Magadan, then it will probably not be worse. And show on TV how they will die there on this railway and will be buried under it along with the kale," Gurulev said.

- OVD-Info lawyer Vladimir Bilienko published a note for his daughter from Alexei Moskalev. So far missing (detained in Belarus and never heard from again) Moskalev wrote a note the day before the verdict

- A joke with a grain of truth

- Reached "birlin"

- Show them the T-shape, or how it flies from a drone under a helmet

- In the Moscow region, a criminal case was opened against the illegally mobilized invalid Mekhroj Khaydarov for leaving the military unit

In the Moscow region, a case was initiated against a mobilized disabled student for leaving a military unit. The guy faces up to 10 years in prison.

30-year-old Mekhroj Khaydarov last October, at the height of the mobilization, was taken directly from the street in Lyubertsy by military registration and enlistment office officers and taken to the commissariat. The guy explained that he was a disabled person of the 3rd group due to hearing, he also studied full-time in college and had dual citizenship - Russia and Tajikistan. The guy came to Moscow from Volgograd for a part-time job - he wanted to get a job in a store and save money for the operation he dreamed of in order to restore his hearing. On the way to the interview, he was just stopped by employees of the Luberetskiy military registration and enlistment office. At the commissariat they told him to sign the documents and promised to let him go, the guy did as asked, because, as he himself says, he was frightened and did not understand well what they were saying to him, since he knows little Russian.

One day a mobilized man ended up in a military unit in Naro-Fominsk. Khaydarov's family tried to help him, his parents came to the unit, talked with the commander, who, according to them, confirmed Mekhroj's unsuitability for service. The father collected all the necessary documents and filed an application for illegalnny mobilization of the son in the prosecutor's office. After that, Mekhroja was given a referral to undergo a medical examination and was sent to Volgograd for a medical card that would confirm the disease and disability.

Mekhroj left and did not return from Volgograd, the family was sure that while the issue of illegal mobilization was being considered, the guy did not need to be in the unit. But this turned into a criminal case: the mobilized was accused of leaving his place of service without permission (up to 10 years in prison) and put on the federal wanted list. In April, Mehrodzh came to Moscow to visit his relatives and was detained at the Paveletsky railway station.

Attorney Maxim Grebenyuk, partner of the "Military Ombudsman" project, took up the case of Mekhrodzh. The lawyer intends to challenge the fact of Mekhroj's mobilization and is preparing appeals to the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee and the governor of the Moscow region.

- In Kramatorsk, the police rescued 28 people and 10 animals from the flood zone after the destruction of the dam

- Very scary threats

- Even Bart Simpson remembered

- Russian anti-war movements issued a statement after the assassination of Vladlen Tatarsky

- 62-year-old defendant in the "anti-war case" Yevgeny Bestuzhev was left in a pre-trial detention center despite serious health problems. He had previously suffered heart attacks

- Some geniuses created the game "Escape from the Military Commissariat" and added it to Steam

- Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Danilov said that no more than 5 people on the planet have information about where and when the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will begin

- The founder of Monobank announced a reward of 20 million hryvnias to those who land a Ukrainian drone on Red Square in Moscow on May 9

- Volunteers from Azerbaijan and Armenia are fighting for Ukraine

- Apparently all the clicks were dismantled and took what was left

- Offensive to be!

- For fuck you!

- What competitions in Russia are interesting


- To compensate for the "Budget Hole" it is necessary to depreciate the ruble to 115 rubles for 1 dollar — Alfa Bank

- I don't think that planes in the Russian Federation will start to crash en masse soon, but in Iran they somehow still manage to fly 30-year-old planes. But if I were the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, I would now try to fly as rarely as possible.

- War cannot be skipped between streams

- This is a collaboration

- The Government of the Russian Federation will consider the issue of simplifying the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for foreign scientists, Mishustin said

- Flew?

- Prigozhin at the cemetery (backstage)

- Where have I heard it before…

- Kherson Art Museum named after Oleksiy Shovkunenko after the Russian liberation from all worthy exhibits.

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