russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 4

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
5 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

Helsi launched urgent online consultations with doctors.

A new feature of the Helsi medical provider will allow you to get an online consultation with a therapist and a referral to a narrow specialist.

For this you need:

➡️ log in to the Helsi app;

➡️ in the "Services" section, select "Urgent online consultation";

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- NATO will not be able to offer membership to Ukraine in the near future, — financial times.

The publication refers ( to an unnamed diplomat from one of the countries of the alliance.

"The application letter is on the table, but we just ignore it", — he said.

- Today is the Day of the creation of NATO.

April 4, 1949 in Washington 12 countries — USA, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Luxembourg, Denmark, Iceland and Norway — signed the North Atlantic Pact. This is how the NATO military-political alliance was formed.

- Negotiations depend on strength on the battlefield, — Stoltenberg.

The result of the negotiations between Kiev and Moscow will depend on the situation at the front, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said ( The alliance wants to see Ukraine independent and able to push back the Russian dictator's soldiers, he added.

- The new package of assistance to Ukraine from the United States will include ammunition for the Patriot and HIMARS complexes.

As well as air defense radars, grenade launchers, anti-drone weapons and 23 million rounds of ammunition.

- The mayor of Ternopil Serhiy Nadal in 2021-2022 wrote out the maximum bonuses for himself. Their size sometimes reached 250% of the official salary — NAPC.

He also provided ( to himself as much help as possible for health improvement, financial assistance for solving social and domestic issues.

- Polish farmers threaten to interfere with Zelensky's visit to Poland on April 5, in protest against the import of Ukrainian grain to Poland, — Interia.

Local farmers oppose ( against cheap Ukrainian grain and demand from the government of the country to tighten border control and provide compensation and soft loans.

- Trump arrested, — CNN.

- Ukraine needs more than $37 billion to clear the territory, — Shmygal.

According to ( According to the prime minister, almost $400 million will be needed for these purposes by the end of this year alone. He noted that without demining, the restoration of normal life and economic activity in Ukraine would be impossible.

- Trump left the courtroom after the indictment, — BBC.

The arrest is lifted.

- German Vice-Chancellor Habek apologized for the late delivery of weapons to Ukraine.

Gabek said that the German government made a decision on the supply of weapons to Kyiv too late.

"I'm very ashamed."

- Israeli 120mm M971 cargo bomb used by the Ukrainian military from Soviet mortars.

- Russian Minister of Assassination Shoigu:

Since the beginning of the year, 14 HIMARS launchers, 59 M-777 howitzers and 13 Paladin self-propelled guns have been hit in Ukraine.

- Destroyed 300-mm MLRS "Smerch" somewhere in Lugansk.

- Finland has officially become a member of NATO.

The common border of NATO countries with Russia will more than double from the current 1215 km to 2555 km.

- President of Finland Sauli Niinistö:

The era of military non-alignment in our history has come to an end.

A new era begins.

- Representative of the Air Force of Ukraine Yuriy Ignat:

Russia uses up to 20 guided bombs a day, which can fly tens of kilometers (up to 70 km).

They are launched from Su-35s and Su-34s, which we cannot answer yet.

- New package of US military assistance to Ukraine for $2.6 billion:

- Missiles for SAM Patriot.

- Ammunition for HIMARS.

- 155-mm and 105-mm artillery shells.

- Bombs JDAM…

- British Challenger 2 tank somewhere in Ukraine.

- +530 Asvabadites will never get lost in a foreign country again

Among forever "free":

▪️ mobik captain Vladimir Yemelyanov

▪️Captain of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergey Berezhnoy

In total, the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent 175,690 occupiers for re-education

- Instant karma. The collaborator stole a generator from the enterprise, and the generator electrocuted him

▪️ "Head" of the enterprise "Alchevskteplo" Kalyuzhny turned on the stolen gadget, and that was the last thing he did

Guys, even generators understand for whom to drown

- The flag of Finland was raised at NATO Headquarters

- Fighting viper

- To say "first went" would be wrong, of course. She is not the first. But now many successful Russian athletes would rather change their citizenship than put an end to their sports career because of the crazy Kremlin dwarf

- In Russia, for such a child's drawing, parents may end up in prison, and the child in a special boarding school, and not in an art school. After Medvedev's call for the execution of those who disagree, this no longer seems such an atrocity.

- The special operation against NATO expansion is proceeding strictly according to the plan

- And then they ask why the air defense is not working

- The result of a selfish dictatorship.

- Anger at the gripno

- Inexpensive!

- Congratulations to Putin on NATO near St. Petersburg

- Clinton regretted

- The Russian military was offered to remove bulletproof vests from the corpses. "The plates we were told on the front end you will find." 🤷🏻‍♂️

According to the military from the Perm Territory, he and others were given only the basic body armor, and most importantly — protective plates — not allowed.

"The plates we were told on the front end you will find yourself. I think you have already guessed which way was meant, — quotes his telegram channel "Perm 36.6".

The military added that he served under a contract, but in June last year, the contract expired. They didn't let him go home — They were told to serve while the war was going on.

- In case of important negotiations

- Belgorod is SO #out of politics and everything is SO calm there that out of calmness they surrounded the store with sandbags

- But there is also good news (from rf)

- Pasha Mercedes in the past, now – Pasha Bracelet. We memorize

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