russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 20

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
21 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- 700 asvabadiers were added to the losses of the Russian Federation in the war per day

Identified officers

▪️ OMON officer "Akhmat-Grozny", police major Imran Ilyasov;

▪️ mobile lieutenant Roman Ivanov;

▪️ Lieutenant Stanislav Zazimko;

▪️ Lieutenant Sergey Misilin;

▪️ Lieutenant Leonid Chalkov;

▪️ Lieutenant Mikhail Kazarets;

▪️ title unknown Ilya Ivanskaya;

▪️ title unknown Dmitry Prokhorov;

Total number of losses 165 610

- South African officials answered Putin about the arrest during a visit to Africa: not everything is so simple 😁

▪️South Africa is aware of the legal obligation to arrest Putin if he comes to visit the BRICS Summit in August 2023, the South African authorities answered evasively and ambiguously

Now Putin will have to live for 5 long months to understand whether he will be arrested in South Africa or not. Vladimir Vladimirovich, the house is already being heated

- Even Medvedev's Iphone will be taken away! Putin is "strongly recommended" employees of the state apparatus to get rid of American phones

▪️«iPhone— All. Either throw it away or give it to the kids. Everyone will have to do this in March, — said one of the employees of the Putin administration after a special seminar, Russian media write.

▪️What's the catch, you ask? Putin believes that Americans can listen to Apple equipment. Instead of the iPhone, officials are being offered Android, its Chinese counterparts, or the Russian Aurora.

And no more selfies in the elevator! Tell Medvedev especially! What a bottom!

- According to the results of yesterday's poll in Mariupol, there was a double of Putin with the nickname "Bruise";

▪️But as it turned out, there was someone else in Sevastopol, and there is a third person in Moscow

Of course, we are against all this conspiracy, but here the facts are on the face

- The current visit to Russia is aimed at strengthening friendship and peace, — Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

The main thing from his article for Russian media:

➡️ China's position on the political settlement of the "Ukrainian crisis" reflects the unity of the world community's views on overcoming the "Ukrainian crisis".

➡️ The current level of Sino-Russian relations was not easy, we should carefully maintain friendship, which is "constantly gaining new strength.

➡️ During the visit, "I am ready, together with Putin, to outline new plans for the development of Russian-Chinese relations."

- Rebus this time from Biden.

Biden posted an intriguing tweet ( signed "Tomorrow" and calling "Believe" over the US President's office.

- Oops! EU countries approved the supply of 1 million shells to Ukraine in the next 12 months 😃

▪️This was stated by the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell, literally synchronously with the talks between Putin and Xi Jinping.

▪️In addition, today the United States allocated a new $350 million military assistance package to Ukraine, which will include HIMARS outfits, HARM missiles, anti-tank weapons and ammunition, and river boats.

- The German Foundation resumes payments of UAH 5,000 to Ukrainian refugees who arrived in Poland after February 24, 2022.

There are two main conditions ( for receiving payments:

➡️ do not receive financial assistance from other international organizations (UN, Red Cross, etc.). Payments from the Polish government are not a barrier;

➡️ belong to vulnerable categories – family members do not have a regular income.

- Drones have risen up and again nightmare Crimea: several strong explosions in Dzhankoy and in Voinka.

Ambulances began to arrive in the area of the airfield in Dzhankoy, and in the meantime, Russia has already announcedBote PeVeO.

Russian cruise missiles "Caliber NK" destroyed in Dzhankoy, — GUR MO.

The missiles were destroyed during transportation by rail.

- "Comrade Xi saw that crests are terrorists!"

New "brothers" — new methodologies.

- he was not lucky to be made in Russia

- Yao Ming says hello to Chairman Shi?

- And for «free» Russians will pay again, 10% of whom live below the poverty line

- about the risks of transplantation

- The arrest warrant for Putin will be valid until the end of his life - The Hague prosecutor

- The reaction of the people to the visit of Winnie the Pooh

- Two worlds - two Shapiros. "Pride" takes for zoo-countrymen. Some of them have already surpassed the North Koreans.

- Putin: Russia has written off debt for African countries in the amount of more than $ 20 billion

- This leg of the one who needs a leg!

- Orban is incorrigible

- Xi & Pu (Financial Times)

- It became known what kind of "defamatory" pictures a vigilant passenger in the subway saw on his neighbor's car in the phone

- On March 16, Yekaterinburg judge Vladimir Ushakov sent politician Yevgeny Roizman to a special detention center for 14 days: for a post on a social network that Roizman does not use, in a public page that Roizman does not lead. On the same day, the channel "Judge Ushakov" appeared in Telegram;

- Belarusian political prisoner Igor Losik, sentenced to 15 years, tried to commit suicide in prison, writes "Viasna".

- Plant "Moskvich" recalled all its sold Chinese cars in the amount of 86 units

- The State Duma proposed changing gas tariffs due to Gazprom's losses in the European Union. To compensate for the losses, it is necessary to raise gas prices four times. Compensation will require more than 22 thousand rubles from each inhabitant of Erefiya

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