russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 21

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
22 October 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. Armed Forces fight back the enemy

- #loss of invaders as of 20.10

+ 370 dead RF Armed Forces:

senior lieutenant, pilot of the first link of the 1st helicopter squadron on the Ka-52 Pavel Khrebet from Saratov

"Officer" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Chechnya from Grozny - Police Captain Valid Tsamaev

Major Alexey Skochkov

Major Sergei Klimenko

Major Sergei Plakhotnik

- Russians loot not only in Ukraine

About 100 traffic cameras were stolen in Sweden, which were later found in Russian drones

Canon cameras are installed in steel cabinets along Swedish highways. Similar models were found in the Russian Orlan-10 reconnaissance drones.

The country's security service is confident that Russia is involved in the theft of more than 100 surveillance cameras (replacing just one of which costs $21,000).

- Uh, what?

- Graffiti about a post-apocalyptic turnip appeared on Khersonskaya Street in St. Petersburg

The possibility of Putin using nuclear weapons in connection with the Ukrainian counteroffensive near Kherson is being actively discussed on the Internet.

- Russian propagandist RT Klokov died at the crossing of the Dnieper, he tried to escape from Kherson

Previously, he worked in the Moscow government and on the channels "Moscow 24", "Channel One" and "Russia Today". In October, he arrived in Kherson to help the occupiers launch a propaganda channel.

- Russian men without subpoenas are not allowed to leave Russia - Izvestia

So guys, are you ready? We bought packages.

- At the front, a mobilized IT specialist died, who was supposed to have a reservation from the draft - his lawyer reports

Timur was 33 years old, and he worked in the digital department of Raiffeisenbank. The man was mobilized on September 23, and 12 days later he died under mortar fire.

“More than seven complaints have been filed. A claim has been filed. Appeals have been submitted to all hotlines. Media publications, etc. And such a result, ”says the lawyer.

The sister of the deceased says that they did not have time to collect documents for a delay:

“Today, we have all the documents confirming his right to a deferment. When we came to the military registration and enlistment office with these documents, the military commissar explained to us in an aggressive manner that these documents did not mean anything, that “we can’t do anything,” and that since he was already mobilized, he would serve.

- Joke of the year: Putin said that the problem with alcohol in the Russian Federation is solvable. She dares

The same solvable problem as the roads in the suburbs ...

- Local residents of the Moscow region came to the restaurant for dinner, but instead of delicious food, they were waiting for agendas

And eat a fish and fight for the homeland

- Dear troll, how are things in Bakhmut? Although Elon Musk distinguished himself with his statements, Medvedev, who pissed off towards the Truss, trolled notably.

- Ukraine should no longer have problems servicing Starlink terminals, - Politico. The head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksiy Reznikov, contacted Elon Musk directly to find a way out of the situation that arose with the payment of terminals.

Apparently, the problem was solved.

- The Iranian authorities urged to refuse trips to Ukraine. In addition, the Iranian Foreign Ministry recommended that Iranian citizens living in Ukraine "leave this country in order to maintain their security."

You can take your mopeds. And the embassy too.

- LatviaI will not give asylum to those fleeing mobilization and will check Russians for political views when extending a residence permit, - Latvian Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevich

Russians in Latvia, learn history...

- Russian barracks before and after HIMARS

- #loss of invaders as of 10/21/2022

+100 dead RF Armed Forces

Corporal Kasatkin Nathan

Lieutenant Colonel Loskutov Evgeny

Senior Lieutenant Furmanov Vasily

Lieutenant Vyacheslav Bondarev

Captain of the Russian Guard "SOBR" Suatanov Murfaz

Senior Lieutenant Vladislav Prokopovich

- Return the money for the funeral of the mobilized

In the city of Korkino, Chelyabinsk region, officials turned to the mother of the deceased with a request to return 62,000 rubles, which she was given for her son's funeral.

The government has decided, the government has changed its mind. Or is it cashback?

- Iran continues to drive cargo planes to the Russian Federation. On October 20, a cargo Boeing 747 (EP-SIH) of Saha Airlines flew to Moscow from Tehran, and on the 21st of the Il-76 (EP-PUS) of the Iranian Air Force.

- 10 Iranian instructors who trained the Russian military to use kamikaze UAVs died in Ukraine. — The Jerusalem Post.

- A step of goodwill by Katsaps from the Kherson region: in Beryslav, since October 19, all organs of the occupation authorities have ceased their activities, - the General Staff. It is also known that collaborators who collaborated with the Russian occupiers along with their families and property continue to leave the city.

- Interruptions with heat and water supply are possible in Ukraine, - Prime Minister Shmyhal.

"It is clear that Russian terror will continue. This applies not only to the energy system, but also to water and heat supply facilities. Interruptions are possible, and therefore everyone must be ready."

The prime minister also urged to make a supply of technical, drinking water and have warm clothes, batteries, flashlights, power banks.

- The Russians lose an average of 10 tanks per day during the counteroffensive of the Ukrainians, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine lose only 2 tanks per day, writes Forbes.

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the law on military registration for women on a voluntary basis.

- A new criminal case was opened against Navalny. He faces another 30 years

- Here I believe, here is a plus

- A mobilized Raiffeisenbank IT specialist died in Ukraine. He was entitled to a respite, but he was drafted into the army and sent to war two weeks later.

- “I have long struggled in Hollywood with stereotypes about “bad Russians”. The terrible reality proves that I should have wasted my time differently,” actor Alexander Nevsky.

- Insanity rises higher

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