russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 22

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
23 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The occupiers burned the bodies of dead soldiers — The Guardian

It's not a secret for anyone that in the army of occupiers it's absolutely all the same to their own soldiers. During the occupation of Kherson, the RF Armed Forces threw the bodies of their dead into a landfill and burned them. This information was provided by the locals.

"Every time the UAF fired on the Russians, they took the remains to a landfill and burned", — 40-year-old resident of Kherson Irina.

"The Russians brought a KAMAZ full of garbage and corpses, all together and unloaded" — a garbage collector from Kherson who requested anonymity

- In Belgorod, there is so "no panic" that they are already digging a security line

But what about "Kyiv in 3 days?"

- Biba and Boba space "asvabaditel"

But the liberation ended near Maryinka

- The fantasies of Channel One are incredible

The story says that Putin's father died in the Great Patriotic War. In other words, he died 10 years before the birth of Putin (in 1952)

Is Putin's great-grandfather not Jesus by any chance?

- Mobilization continues

The contractors wanted to quit and go home, but "Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 21, 2022 No. 647 has not been suspended, the period of partial mobilization has not ended."

Everything is also rowing guys, no one is interested in anything

- #losses of invaders as of 11/22/2022

+400 dead Russian Armed Forces per day (85.000 in total)

Major – Pavel Nazarov

Senior Lieutenant – Grigory Kulik

Lieutenant – Kirill Shimyakin

Senior Lieutenant – Mikhail Chernykh

Senior Lieutenant – Sergey Mokrukha

Lieutenant Colonel – Artyom Ivanov

- Turn the life of Russian soldiers into a nightmare: Britain handed over upgraded versions of Brimstone missiles to Ukraine, writes ( -ukraine-neutralise-russia/) The Telegraph. According to the newspaper, the cost of one Brimstone 2 – approximately 207 thousand dollars. The modification has laser guidance, and the range is twice that of the previous design.

- The SBU came with searches to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The security service conducts counterintelligence activities. They check the premises for the presence of weapons and the possible presence of DRGs on the territory of the Lavra.

Something FSB priests in the Lavra sad some. Did something happen?

SBU commentary on searches in Lavra:

The purpose of the measures is "to prevent the use of the Lavra as a cell of the" Russian world ", to verify the data on the use of the premises of the UOC for sheltering sabotage and reconnaissance groups, foreign citizens, and storing weapons.

Nothing unusual, just a photo of Metropolitan Pavel (aka Pasha "Mercedes"), rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with a putler and Yanukovych.

- The Ministry of Defense publishes statistics on Russian missiles.

- The European Commission allocates 2.5 billion euros for Ukraine, said Ursula von der Leyen.

- 9 months have passed and 80 thousand dead orcs.

- Rashka artillery began to use 2022 ammunition, writes ( Defense Express. The 152 mm shell, which was found in one of the abandoned positions of the Russians, is marked with the inscription "8-22-3P", which stands for batch number, assembly year and base number. That is, this projectile was produced in 2022. In this case, according to the logic of the distribution of ammunition, the oldest ammunition is used first.

- Russia damaged almost all thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants in Ukraine, said ( the head of Ukrenergo Vladimir Kudritsky.

- In the temporarily occupied Tokmak bavovna, according to the mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov. Local residents heard 6 explosions.

- «Harry Potter– this is propaganda of witchcraft and satanism. Russian-haired activists wrote a denunciation to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and demanded that the popular work be banned.


- If anyone else cares, then the organizers of Eurovision changed the voting rules. Now the finalists will be able to determine only the audience.

- Absolutely nothing is happening in Crimea. Only for some reason the PEVEO works.

- Stories about which it is impossible to remain silent

- Former Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Dmitry Tabachnik is accused of treason. He was handed a suspicion pro-procesualni-prava-ta-obovyazki-pidozryuvanogo), which says that Tabachnik helped the Gauleiters of the occupied parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

Rygovskaya scum is incorrigible.

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