russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 13

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
14 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Zet patriots in Stavropol, they suspect something. And asking questions

- In the entrances of Moscow hung a memo about what not to do in bomb shelters

It turns out that in protective structures it is forbidden to speak loudly, walk, drink alcohol, smoke and bring pets with you.

- Russians are still burning

- Killing with a sledgehammer is the norm! Prigozhin openly justified his executioners

"I prefer to watch history in the theatre. As for the sledgehammer, in this show it is clear that he did not find happiness in Ukraine, but met with unkind, but fair people. I think this film is called" Dog — dog death". Excellent directorial work, looks in one breath. I hope that during the filming, not a single animal was harmed", — Prigogine said.

Note that such incidents are extremely dangerous for the Russian authorities. Without institutions, public judgments are now carried out by a group of private individuals.

It seems that this process, having started once, will gain momentum and acquire a larger scale. Invaders get ready!

Medieval methods of punishment in Russia - a spit from Prigogine to the legal system

Simultaneously with the stuffing of the video of the execution of the prisoner, Prigozhin challenged the head of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin

PMC «Wagener» are now ready to carry out "parallel" justice without trial and investigation, and to do it defiantly. And Prigozhin is ready to act on the principle of “parallel law”, undermining the monopoly of the Russian authorities on violence.

In essence, this is a slap in the face not only to Bastrykin, but to the entire legal system of the Russian Federation. Bastrykin will not respond to this challenge, and consequently, the elites will receive another signal about the growing power of Prigogine.

The sledgehammer is now the main symbol of Russian law, and at the head of this sledgehammer is no longer even Putin, but Prigozhin. And if the head of the Investigative Committee does not react in any way to the incident, this will provoke irreversible processes. Due to impunity, both Kadyrov's and the National Battalions will soon begin to act as well. And there it will be a stone's throw to get-togethers, and to the Civil War

- "Let the Ukrainian pigs burn in hell!"

This is how the son of Yevgeny Nuzhin, who was publicly executed by the Wagnerites, reacted to the death of his father.

It doesn't seem to be curable

- Meanwhile, art director Gazmanova "finds out" why tickets for a concert in Kherson are selling poorly

- #losses of invaders as of 13.11

+ 650 dead RF Armed Forces:

Senior Lieutenant Kurban Bakhmudov

Major Denis Maksimchuk

Major Alexander Anchikov

Senior Lieutenant Dmitry Paas

Lieutenant of SOBR wastebasket Maxim Podlyaskin

- Hungarians run into. The right-wing member of the Hungarian parliament, Laszlo Torotsky, congratulating Poland on Independence Day, wished that they would soon "meet again on the common Polish-Hungarian border."

He illustrated his tweet with a photograph taken after the capture of Transcarpathia by Hungary in 1939, where a Pole and a Hungarian shake hands at the border post.

- If you thought the raccoon situation — this is one big joke, then you are wrong. Rashist scum really stole raccoons from Kherson.

- The same ones who yelled about love for rashka? About 700 thousand Russians enteredto Georgia since the beginning of the mobilization, said President Salome Zurabishvili.

Of them, 100 thousand remained in Georgia, the rest left for other countries.

- The "Kinzhalov" carrier, which has already taken off twice in Belarus today, is flying not empty, but with missiles on a suspension. This has been visually confirmed for the first time, — Belarusian Guyun.

This means that all three MiG-31K aircraft currently in Belarus can launch hypersonic missiles in Ukraine at any time.

Recall that they are capable of launching "Daggers" at a distance of 2,000 km. Don't ignore worries.

- "Grad" of the AFRF is resting near Kherson. They ran so hard that they didn't pick up the car.

- In the Krasnodar Territory (rashka), students were put on the counter: they were obliged to donate food, household chemicals and medical supplies for the needs of the Russian military.

- "Great" Russian culture in the de-occupied Kherson region.

- 179 settlements on the right bank of the Dnieper are de-occupied, — OK "South".

- Officials from the United States recommended that Kyiv think about "realistic" positions in negotiations with the Russian Federation and on the adjustment of their conditions, in particular on the Crimea, — writes The Wall Street Journal.

- What happened, who knows? From the weather forecast on the Russian "NTV" Kherson disappeared.

- A woman committed a terrorist attack in Istanbul, — Turkish Vice President Oktay It is reported that 6 people died. The number of injured in the explosion reached 81.

- Sanctions against Russia may remain in place even after a possible peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia, — US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

It is also reported that some of the restrictions after the end of the war between Russia and Ukraine will be revised.

- He commanded the crew at the parade on Red Square, and now he will lead the platoon at the kobzon concert

The sister of Lieutenant Colonel of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Army Sergei Koshelev from the 137th Airborne Regiment announced his death in Ukraine. In May 2022, the rashist led a convoy of BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles at the Victory Day parade in Moscow.

Of the 80,000 occupiers killed in Ukraine, it would be possible to assemble a whole parade on Red Square.

Anatoly "Stirlitz" Stefan

- Propaganda changes shoes after failure in Kherson

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