A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 128

11 January 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Soledar is stormed by airborne units that were defeated, but the Ukrainian Armed Forces hold the defense

Bakhmut is also holding out, our soldiers are beating the invaders.

Soledar, the situation is dramatic, but the ZSU is holding on, the reserves have gone there. We're keeping our fingers crossed

We've never seen a three-pointer like this before.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are conducting accurate mortar fire in Bakhmut. Yu-ve-lir-no!

Killing Orcs

Ukrainian 9M83 is looking for Orlan-10

Ukrainian soldiers of the 71st brigade caused damage to the enemy in Opytne

The explosion threw the Russian soldier several meters away.

Ukrainian sniper works on a group of orcs

Destroying the orc positions

Destruction of orcs in Soledar

Destruction of the orcs near Bakhmut. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region showed footage of the work of Chechen volunteers

Among them is the hero of the Ichkerian people Abdul Hakim, who became a colonel in the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria on October 15. Together with other fighters, he fights as part of the International Legion.

Why are you lying there, let's get out of here, you can't, oh well

The orc came, saw and galloped back

Orc armor

A selection of drone videos

The Adam unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces showed drone strikes on trenches with Wagner troops

Good coordination between the drone and the guys on the ground.

As a result, 15 cargoes 200 6 pieces in captivity.

After a hard landing of a Ka-52 in the Kherson region

ATGM hit the target

Working as a tank driver in first person

Christmas gifts for the occupiers

A family of orcs, frightened by the noise of a drone, hides in a hole

Ukrainian Armed Forces sniper working on a crowd of invaders

Fighting for Soledar

More serious gifts for orcs, 82 mm

First person combat video from Soledar

The city is now very hot, the fierce confrontation between the Russians and the Ukrainian Armed Forces does not subside even for a minute. But our fighters cannot be broken!

This is what really stands behind the phrase “Bakhmut holds on”

It’s scary to imagine the price our defenders pay to hold the city.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to receive equipment under Lend-Lease from the Katsaps

In the Kherson region, our Defenders captured a Russian self-propelled artillery unit "Gyacinth-S".

Another lucky one

They climb for the king and climb into fortified positions without equipment

ZSU BTR-3 drives logical thoughts into the heads of the orcs

As in GTA, auto-rolling did not happen. Captured Orc tank

When the guys in the next trench ran out of sugar. Friendly greetings

Conveyor line with drones at the forefront

A drone division known as The Wings of Madyar assembles suicide FPV drones for use in the Soledar and Bakhmut areas.

Short video of the Ukrainian position on the Bakhmut-Soledar section

Unusual Russian laser devices fell into the hands of Ukrainians

Mystery, the helmet-mounted devices were captured by Ukrainian soldiers during a battle with the troops of the Wagner mercenary group.

A video has surfaced on social media showing Vanger's capture of a new laser detection device called the Spider. It is a laser early detection system that provides early warning of attacks.

Spyder is a lightweight warning system used as passive military protection. It detects, analyzes and determines the direction of laser radiation from laser guidance systems and laser rangefinders.

Sergei Flash, a Ukrainian military expert and Soldier, shared photos of the captured Spider system and noted that the Russian-language instruction manual was captured along with the device itself.

According to the instructions, the device can detect all existing laser rangefinders, illuminators and target designators operating in the range from 0.8 to 1.8 microns.

It is also noted that the Spider provides direction to the source of laser radiation and an audio warning (voice message) with a light indication of the fact of irradiation.

A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 128

The occupiers forgot their fingers in their positions

Hands on feet and running didn’t work

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