A selection of videos with prisoners and those killed in Ukraine. Issue 72

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
1 March 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions catch or kill invaders. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet. Not recommended for viewing by faint of heart people.

A story from a sergeant who was scammed

“I waited for my colleagues for 6 hours, but the ZSU saved me” - this is the story we don’t abandon about our own

Kitty, don't eat this

By the way, the occupier turned out to be quite tenacious - he has been fighting for a year now

Got my darling

At the same time, I wrote down a message to my Asvabade friends

The losses are terrible. 500 people. In 2 days only 100 people lost

The frightened occupier managed to visit Pavlovka, Kirillovka, Ugledar and was miraculously captured. He spoke about the “delights” of serving in the “second army”:

“The losses were terrible. After 45 days they took us to Kirillovka and began preparing for an attack on Ugledar. The first offensive lost 4 vehicles, 300 crew members alone, and how many infantry died!”

He says if you suddenly decide to refuse, they’ll send you to Bakhmut, and it’s even worse there!

Interesting thing, but why? The Wagnerites are crowding there, so what’s so scary? Your dear ones, criminal prisoners!

Why should civilians die while politicians' children hang out in Dubai?

... the occupier asks a reasonable question. And while he is thinking, a sickly howl is heard in the swamps. Because the mobs are dying in droves and the propagandists are tearing their hair out. They say that even Tatarsky refuses to go and film reports - that’s creepy.

The same mobilized meat

Captured MANPADS Needles and dead orcs

Dying in batches like cannon fodder

Why are you crying, liberator?

Shouldn't have come here...

Bakhmut, northern part of the city

More completed contracts...

In Khabarovsk, the graves of asvabatites were painted over with balloons

Respect for the occupiers has already disappeared in Russia itself. Well, the further the better...

A DPR soldier says he was raped by a Chechen

According to the occupier, Chechen fighters have “status and privileges,” so they do and do what they want

This is how the occupiers end their inglorious life on Ukrainian soil

The sad story of a sad occupier tanker

One more for exchange

Completion of the contract at Wagner near Bakhmut

They feed the poor guy

He managed to attend an interview with Zolkin and tell him how the scoundrel Ukrainians threaten him that they won’t let him lose weight!

They feed the poor thing

Frozen rus meat

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