A Russian rocket hit a high-rise building in the Dnieper

17 January 2023

People's screams can be heard under the rubble. The Russian Schwein will answer for everything.

A Russian rocket hit a high-rise building in the Dnieper

The first minutes after the explosion in Dnieper.

Our soldiers are already preparing a response to the Russians for the Dnieper.

There are 2 known deaths. 27 people were injured.

Vladimir Zelensky responded to today’s “arrival” at a residential building in Dnieper:

The clearing of the rubble in the Dnieper continues. All services are working. We are fighting for every person, every life. We will find everyone involved in this terror. Everyone will bear responsibility. The maximum.

At the moment, 5 dead and 39 wounded are known.


60 injured due to a Russian missile hitting a high-rise building. 12 of them are children,” the head of the Dnepropetrovsk OVA.

Dnieper today. There are 72 apartments in the destroyed entrance. According to information from registration records, this is 100-200 people (about 50 children). This is the data that rescuers rely on.

Clearing the rubble will continue throughout the night. Near the site of the tragedy, additional “non-violence points” were deployed.

The strike on the Dnieper high-rise building was caused by an X-22 missile launched by a Tu-22M3 bomber from the area of Kursk and the Sea of Azov.

As the speaker of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat said on the telethon, there were five launches of such missiles.

According to him, the Russians hit a shopping center in Kremenchug with the same missile in June last year. This missile is designed to destroy aircraft carrier groups at sea.

9 killed as a result of a missile attack on a high-rise building in the Dnieper, including a 15-year-old girl - OVA.

And this is scum named Oleg Timoshin. He is the commander of the 52nd "Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment"!

His regiment hit a house in the Dnieper today. He gave the order to strike a shopping center in Kremenchug in June last year.

In Dnieper, under the rubble of a house, 18 people were killed and 73 were injured, - head of the OVA Reznichenko.

More than 40 wounded are in hospitals, four are in intensive care - serious.

The rescue operation continues. The fate of more than 40 people remains unknown.

In Dnepr, 20 people have already died after a missile strike on a residential building, said the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko.

Among them is one child. 73 people were injured.

The President's Office releases new videos from overnight rescue efforts.


Now a rocket has destroyed her house (https://t.me/truexadnepr), and they are still looking for her parents under the rubble.

We hope for surprise

“Air defense did not shoot down a missile that hit a high-rise building in the Dnieper,” Commander of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Nikolai Oleshchuk.

“The Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have weapons in their arsenal that could shoot down an X-22 missile. Since the beginning of Russia’s military aggression, more than 210 missiles of this type have been fired over the territory of Ukraine. Not a single one was shot down by air defense systems.”

Rescue of a girl who miraculously survived in a destroyed house in the Dnieper.

It's impossible to look at this without tears

The strike on the Dnieper high-rise building was carried out by the same missile that the Russian Federation attacked the shopping center in Kremechnuk in June 2022.

This is the X-22 missile, which is called the aircraft carrier killer, the air force said. It was launched from a Tu-22M3 long-range bomber; launches were made from the Kursk area and the Sea of Azov.

Dnieper: people are removed with cranes, signalized with flashlights and mobile phones.

A house in the Dnieper before and after the attack.

Patrolmen in Dnepr rescued a family from a blocked apartment in a high-rise building destroyed by a Russian missile

“People could not get out of the blocked apartment of the neighboring damaged entrance. Their neighbor turned to Sergei Krivosheya’s crew with a request to help the family get out and offered to break the wall of their own balcony.

The patrolmen themselves, using a crowbar and a sledgehammer, made a hole in the wall and pulled out 2 children and 4 adults. They didn’t forget about the cat,” said the Patrol Police of the Dnepropetrovsk region.

The number of victims of the missile attack in the Dnieper has reached 30, - adviser to the governor Natalya Babchenko.

Among those in serious condition is a 9-year-old girl who was walking near her house at the time of the missile strike.

The search is still ongoing for about 40 residents of the destroyed house under the rubble.

A Russian missile hits a high-rise building in the Dnieper

The first minutes after a missile strike on a residential building in Dnieper.

And here is proof that the rocket was flying into the house. Nobody knocked her down.

Once again: the rocket flew towards the house and hit it.

From under the rubble we heard the voice of a surviving person.

The rescuers announced a minute of silence, and at that time they heard a voice. The place where this happened is now being intensively cleared of debris.

A woman was also pulled out from under the rubble.

Shots from the apartment of a built-up booth near the Dnieper.

At the moment, the warriors have collected 40% of the rubble. Narasi knows about 21 people who died.

As soon as the woman was recovered from the rubble, the sound robots are disturbing.

Near the Dnieper, the ritualists were twirling a cat that had stumbled on the ledge of the façade.

Neumovirnaya humankind

Another video with the moment of arrival at a high-rise building in the Dnieper.

The city declared three days of mourning for the victims

People continue to be found under the rubble in the Dnieper.

Many victims suffered terrible injuries.

This is how the State Emergency Service rescues people from the rubble in the Dnieper.

It's just terrible...

In the collapsed entrance in the Dnieper, 100-200 people lived in 72 apartments, including about 50 children, the police department reported.

“The whole house is without electricity, gas, without windows. In fact, it is necessary to provide housing for more than 1,000 people,” the message says.

Kitchen before and after the arrival of a Russian rocket in Dnepr. A well-known boxing trainer in the city, Mikhail Korenovsky, died in this apartment. He is survived by his wife and two children. This is what hides behind the walls of every destroyed house and apartment...

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