What's That Thing: The Strangest Finds. Issue 200

15 September 2024

We regularly come across things that we can’t immediately identify. All these strange things excite the imagination and torment us with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the Internet come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the mysteries.

“I found a steel thing in the form of an accordion in a second-hand shop. It’s quite heavy, it moves and moves apart. It says that it’s from Italy”

This is a sliding stand for pots.

“I found a box full of strange metal pieces in the basement of an old house. There are a ton of them! What the hell is that?”

It looks like someone melted lead or tin, poured it into a spoon, and then let the metal cool. Later, such things could be used as a fishing weight.

"I found a piece of ordinary lace in the yard. But when I tried to pick it up, it literally melted before my eyes and turned into powder. What is this?"

It's still an ordinary lace. It's probably just been lying in the sun for too long and that's why it's so fragile.

"I found a hollow metal sphere in the ocean. It's a little heavy on one side, but it floats well"

This is a special ball that blocks the ship's ventilation so that water doesn't get in. It's usually located on the bottom of the ship under a special grate. If water starts to flow into the ship, the ball rises and plugs the ventilation hole so that the water doesn't get in any further.

Glass bottles are glued to the foundation of the house along the entire perimeter

This is a trap. They used them in the 80s to fight ants.

This strange blue thing with a bunch of holes also spins

This is a tool container. Thanks to the rotation, you can quickly find the right tool while working.

"An old lady I sometimes help around the house gave me this spoon. She told me to give it to my wife. What is it for?"

This is a bon-bon spoon. They used to be used to eat chocolates.

"This wooden thing rocks. I found it in a pile of free stuff at a thrift store"

This is a footrest.

"Any idea what this three-legged, padded 'table' is for?"

This is a sewing stand. The deep part was perfect for a vintage spool of yarn, and the soft cushions were perfect for storing needles and pins.

A black lacquered item with a handle

This thing needs to be tucked inside a sock to easily darn it.

"Help me figure out what this ancient thing is"

Most likely, this device was used to tie up haystacks during harvest.

"I found a light wooden box in a second-hand shop. Inside were 6 hollow cylinders with a small round decoration on each"

These are napkin holders.

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