A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 154

Truly rare photographs of famous personalities arouse much more interest than staged magazine photographs. In these shots from the past, people reveal a new side to us. Behind each such photograph are hidden amazing moments of history, and sometimes an entire life.

Ernest and Mary Hemingway in a Land Rover on safari. Kenya, February 1953

A 3.75 MB hard drive is loaded onto an airplane in 1956.

A firefighter performs CPR on a three-year-old child he rescued from a burning house. USA, 1979

World War I. Horses in gas masks, 1918

A model shows off Salvador Dali's jewelry, 1959

A Peruvian fisherman carries a huge South American tropical freshwater fish, paiche, to sell at a market in Iquitos, Peru, 1993.

Children who had suffered tuberculosis were taken to sleep on the veranda at any time of the year and in any weather in order to strengthen their immunity, tuberculosis sanatorium, USSR, 1949

President Bill Clinton drops the ball during an American football game at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, USA, 1993

Horse in a tree after a storm in Louisville, Kentucky, 1937

A boy helps a dog drink from a drinking fountain, USA, 1947

Ladies of high society, dressed in the most fashionable outfits. Paris, 1910s

Fidel Castro with a bear cub named Baikal, which was given to him by Siberian geologists during a trip to the Soviet Union in 1963

French infantryman using helmet with faceplate, World War I

West German four-seater amphibious Amphicar. 1960s

Mountain guides are carrying a rich lady who wants to climb Vesuvius. 1910

The groom's sister leads the bride by her scarf to the river for dousing with water according to the wedding ceremony, Udmurtia, 1930

The female crew of the VW Scirocco Rally speaks to reporters after the race. Germany, 1977

Tuberculosis patients relaxing outdoors on the banks of the Thames, 1936

Ride the lumber chute in Washington. The fastest and longest watercourse in the world, 1923-1986.

A girl on the beach explains to the lifeguard why she sunbathes without a top.

But it turned out that this sign is intended for men! Previously, they were required to wear a tank top. USA, New Jersey, 1939.

Ainu girls with traditional lip tattoos, Japan, 1915

On the patrol ship Irkutsk Komsomolets in 1991, a strict but very effective method of punishing violators of military discipline was used

A German soldier from the Alpine Corps talks with a Romanian peasant in Romania in 1916, during the First World War.

The first Toshiba 500 video phone. Japan, 1968

Chicago train station ceiling decorated with model airplanes, 1943

A trainer in a gladiator costume puts her head into the mouth of a lion, 1900

Luxurious lawn mower with air conditioning. 1950s

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