Dandy, old consoles with cartridges

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
13 July 2010

Now I regularly and with pleasure play computer games, sometimes I push the children with the Sonya joystick...

In general, it happens in different ways... But sometimes I want to climb into the very depths of the virtual gaming past and remember the games that were released under the sign of a cool little elephant in a cap with the name Dendy, dear to my heart.

Eight-bit computers with their numerous cartridges were once adapted for teaching smart things and developing absolutely scientific skills, from learning a foreign language to choosing tunes. But their gaming side turned out to be the most tenacious and promising, because it is much more interesting to go through level after level in the fight for the Universe or at least shoot ducks than to tediously cram what letter means what...

As a result, eight-bit consoles became a means of gaming, and the most advanced in this regard was Dendy, whose name became a household name for eight-bit consoles.

The technical capabilities of consoles may not be comparable to the bells and whistles of personal computers, but who said that simplicity is bad? “Cubic” graphics didn’t stop anyone from going through the banal “Super Mario” day after day, saving their princess for the hundredth time... So, with all the new computer junk, don’t forget the good old joystick, cartridge and 8-bit pleasure given by the console.

As an example, I can cite my humble person, because, having a fully functional computer with a bunch of disks, gaming and not so much, I was as happy as a child when I received an eight-bit console and a cartridge with “Mario” as a New Year’s gift. And, to tell you a secret, I then spent all weekends and even not quite weekends looking after her...

So, if we talk about popular games of the 8-bit generation, then, undoubtedly, SuperMario will be the first to climb onto the pedestal.

Anyone who has ever held a joystick in their hands has played this funny American gardener with a truly Georgian nose. A cute two-dimensional "adventure game" with a side view - probably to admire Mario's Greek profile :))) - despite its apparent simplicity, it is the most popular toy of all ages, because it is accessible to a child and interesting to an adult. Going through the levels of a giant garden and forest (where else do such conceptual fly agarics grow? :-D), killing mutated tortoiseshell geese, armored hedgehogs and other Chernobyl evil spirits, saving a princess from the clutches of an equally mutated dragon - what could be better?..

Unless there are regular fierce battles on the battlefield... there is no Earth, but just a "Battle City" toy.

Although “only” is appropriate only for those who did not play “tanks” with friends around the clock. We cut ourselves. Imagine the scene: 3 a.m., January 2, 3 over-aged girls are sitting, staring at an old black and white TV, fiercely kneading joysticks. They are chopping, it turns out. Only occasionally the deathly silence is broken by nervous cries - “Hit that...pi-i-ip..., with a long barrel!”, “So, the last one is mine,” “Shovel, shovel, take a shovel, they’re smashing the headquarters... “In the hit parade of our preferences, only billiards competed with tanks, which we played slowly and tastefully.

My favorite game was the unforgettable “Contra”.

It was, and still is, something! Judging by the online forums, this game was not only a bestseller for me. This is also a two-dimensional adventure game, as are most eight-bit games. Its plot is simple - two special forces soldiers kill some kind of mutants, or rebels with strange faces, using lasers, blasters, balls, extremely similar to those used at the paintball "Proving Ground". In a nutshell, I highly recommend it. In terms of tension and adrenaline rush, this old woman will give the heat to the most modern shooters.

Well, let's stop shedding rivers of blood and building up mountains of tanks... let's move on to the most pleasant thing - to the fact why eight-bit cars are extremely loved by the people, to the reason why parents bought them. It's just that many eight-bit games were cartoonish, which means kind, naive, a little unrealistic, but charming. Like Carlson - “a creepy, but cute ghost.”

First of all, this applies to toys created based on Disney cartoons: Little Mermaid, DuckTales, Chip and Dale 1-2, Cool Turns, Aladdin and others. How can you say that Aladdin instills a craving for violence when he is a charming boy who is simply playing mischief, and you can’t even call the little mermaid Ariel bloodthirsty. It doesn’t matter that she throws shells and hits jellyfish on the head - she’s not out of malice... and in general, it’s nice to even look at the screen on which a magical childhood cartoon comes to life, and you yourself create its reality.

By the way, about the creation of reality: a certain Victor Pelevin quite realistically created something based on an eight-bit game. Anyone who hasn’t read “Prince of the State Plan” has probably played “Prince of Persia”... Of course, the origin of this toy is debatable: someone believes (and Pelevin is with them) that “Prince of Persia” came from the PC to the console, someone is the opposite. In principle, the game has not lost its attractiveness in either version. Beat the sultans, crawl through the catacombs and avoid running into spikes - that’s the essence of the game! Now the film has appeared...

In addition, Dendy is not only a valuable mech in terms of graphics and beautiful scenery, it is also an amazing time killer: you can kill time seriously and for a long time. If this time is not so much, you can play with something mini: and in this area there are more than enough hits: Popeye (a toy about the benefits of spinach), Bomberman (here, here it is - a training manual for terrorists))), Pac-Man, Milks and, sand little men - in the sense, not those from whom sand is already pouring out, but those who collect this sand all over the screen...

In general, there were, there were toys in our time, there were!!! Where did it all go?

Cartridges are lost, consoles are broken... But not all is lost. So, if you find an old console behind your closet and find that it is hopeless, do not rush to grieve. Throw this junk where it was lying, or better yet, in order to improve the environmental situation in your home, take it to the nearest trash heap. And we ourselves go to our native Internet, where, as you know, you can find everything... This also applies to the good old games, which good people have translated to more modern media! Fortunately, nowadays you can find a lot of interesting things by searching. In general, choose, play and from time to time remember that in addition to the virtual world, there is also a place called “reality”.

13 July 2010
чистая правда!!! th_004 так скучаю за теми временами!! th_007
странно в статье указаны все мои любимые игры)
(были ещё парочку...черепашки-нандзя...к
апитан-америка...и прочие)
рубились в них с братом и друзьями часами))
13 July 2010
Оригинал называется Нинтендо Ентертеймент Стейшн.
Марио - водопроводчик.

И я тоже любил играть в Капитана Америку и Бэтмэна.
Ну и трансформеры были у меня.. или то гандам..
13 July 2010
6 245 comments
а я через эмулятор до сих пор шпилю на работе))...
13 July 2010
Тоже играю иногда через эмулятор.
13 July 2010
Было такое дело))). Есть, что вспомнить. Была тогда мечта - Sega на 16 бит или геймбой.....))) Круто было на тот момент. А сейчас играешь в почти реальные игрушки типа NFS Shift с рулем G25 - конечно впечатляет, но за душу не берет. Хорошо, что есть набор из 800 восьмибитных игр адаптированых под PC. можно вспомнить детство))
14 July 2010
25 October 2010
Насколько помню, марио - итальянец, а утиные истории это duck tales, и darkwing dark - черный плащ.
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