Riot police (15 photos)

4 February 2010

This collection contains photographs from the life of the domestic riot police and phrases from the riot police themselves about what everyone has known for a long time.

“There is an emergency situation in the elite Special Purpose Police Unit of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. In the unit, whose main task is to suppress street protests of citizens, a riot is brewing. Letters of revelation have already been sent to the presidential administration and the Prosecutor General’s Office. And the soldiers of the 2nd battalion came to the editorial office,” they said , how the police bosses earn money, what is the essence of the business called “protecting public order” and how “dissent marches” are dispersed"

“The letter was signed by 10 people, warrant officers and senior sergeants. They also sent copies to the Internal Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Presidential Administration, and the head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate. But since there was no response, the riot police came to the editorial office of the New Tames magazine. In particular, they said that the battalion commander, Colonel Evtikov, demands three detainees from one employee at the end of the shift, if they are not there, then the employee loses a bonus or a mayor's salary increase. Evtikov created his own illegal part-time job in the battalion, the riot police say. According to them, the colonel often tells them, I quote from the New Times: “you are slaves and must do what I want.”

“In 2008, Moscow riot police allegedly detained, delivered and issued fines to 40 thousand citizens. This is a small city in the province! At the beginning of 2009 there was a conference call where they said: “This year they should issue at least 40 thousand.” In 10 years, we will register half of Moscow."

“Colonel Evtikov said back in 2005: “We don’t need Muscovites, they ask too many questions. We need nonresidents, loyal and stupid.” Nonresidents are more obedient, they live in a hostel, that is, they are dependent on their superiors, which means they don’t have to ask unnecessary questions will not."

“To become a company commander, you need to pay the battalion commander $5 thousand. The salary, according to those who paid, after that increases 4 times, from 25 to 100 thousand.”

“The battalion was turned into a structure for making money. The conflict with the leadership reached an open stage after our entire platoon refused to disperse a rally of local residents near the Moscow shopping center, where traders from the Cherkizovsky market moved after closing. Riot police were paid for the trip to the market We arrive, a man in civilian clothes comes out to us and says: "I am the head of the security service. Guys, now local residents will come to protest against the market. Your task: break posters, do not touch women and children, and drag the men straight to our territory." ... Checkmate the senior, the next day Colonel Evtikov takes away his ID and says: “You ruined so much money, you fool.” The senior lieutenant was fired.”

“There was such a story after the pogrom at the Petrovsko-Razumovsky market. In 2008, there was a conflict between the district leadership and businessmen, then Colonel Evtikov ordered: “Destroy this market. then there was no detainment. Then the parties agreed, and a criminal case was opened against one of the riot police. Our colonel told him: “Quit. You are a thief, and I don’t need a thief.” But he followed the order!”

“On Rublevskoye Highway, for example, our battalion guards eight cottages. A plant in Fili. On Arbat there is an office of a Georgian thief in law, we also guard him. Now he is a businessman, and he likes that in the 90s the riot police and RUBOP pressed him, and now they are guarding him. Two jeeps with riot police are riding behind him. He negotiated directly with our colonel, for one person he pays him 12 thousand rubles a day, of which the fighter gets 1,500."

"A Gazelle from the Moscow riot police costs 50 thousand rubles for a raider seizure. The task is usually simple: we break in, knock down the door, remove all the people from the room. Computers and equipment are simply thrown out, when the employees themselves plunder. After that, we hold the room until he arrives new owner."

“When the Cherkizovsky market was closed, they ensured the transportation of trucks to the same Moscow shopping center. It cost 100 thousand rubles to remove a truck with goods accompanied by riot police.”

“If at a rally there are posters that say bad things about the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Medvedev, Putin, they must be torn down immediately. They generally take Comrade Limonov wherever they see him. There is an unspoken order: if you see him, detain him immediately. And then the police sit in the department and think about what article to attach to him. "

“The leadership gathers everyone and explains that the “dissent marches”, “Russian marches”, gay parades - everything was paid for by foreign intelligence services. They say that everything is bad in the country, the American intelligence services want to destroy our state, that’s why the “dissenters” or gays are coming, who want to disgrace Moscow. They are so afraid of everything, but if you turn on Channel One or Channel Two, everything is fine in the country."

“They took a guy and a girl, they came from Voronezh for a walk, Evtikov himself explained to them for a long time what they had violated, but they still didn’t understand. To disperse the “March of Dissent,” they usually send 300–400 people. Plus the documentation and video surveillance departments, We call them “parasites.” All officers. They wear civilian clothes, wedge themselves into the crowd and convey who is where and who to take.”

“There was a case when a journalist filmed a good piece, so a man was specially dressed in civilian clothes, and he pushed the journalist so that his camera fell. And another journalist’s head was broken when he was loaded into the Ural. Was anyone punished? No There was not a single case where an employee was punished."

Riot police in Chechnya: “We prepare for a business trip for two months, we go to the training ground. They give us 60 rounds of ammunition, and we sign as if we received 120. The rest of the ammunition is sold to the left.”

“It’s beneficial to keep the riot police in Chechnya. After all, diesel fuel is also released. Every day 2-3 Urals are in combat readiness. If something happens, we have to move out. No one moves anywhere, but according to the documents it turns out that we are going. In 2005 The military sold 30 thousand rubles worth of diesel fuel to local residents every month."

5 February 2010
ОМОН у меня не вызывает уважения, только потому, что главная его задача охранять жопоголовую кремлядь.
5 February 2010
назва якась дивна..
це ж ніби уанетівський сайт. чого пише "отечественного омона"??
5 February 2010
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5 February 2010
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7 February 2010
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плохо дело.....
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