Policeman forced his 6-year-old daughter to stand in the cold with a shameful poster as punishment (6 photos)
"I want to stab and kill my brother, I even take an antipsychotic. If you feel sorry for me, feel sorry for the real victims." For hours, the 6-year-old held the sign in the freezing cold. Her parents, Cody Allen Scott, 33, and Kylie Jo Scott, 34, were arrested on Jan. 19 after passersby in Logansport, Indiana, called 911.
Cody, a Logansport police officer, said the punishment was the only way to bring his daughter to her senses.
A juvenile officer said the girl was also forced to wear a sign to school that read, "I pee on everything and cover it up like a cat." She was once seen at a supermarket holding a sign that read, "I lie to hurt people."
On that freezing day, Cody noticed a passerby calling 911 and tried to justify it: "She goes outside every half hour and comes back inside 10 minutes to warm up."
An older man came up and asked the father why the child was standing outside.
"Do you want the short version or the long version?" asked Cody, a staunch Republican.
"I think the short version is better," the retiree replied.
The father shared: "Sir, the only thing that works on her is physical punishment. Nothing else works. She threatens to kill her family, she wants to embarrass us, she wets herself, and she destroys the house. I've been seeing a professional, she's been in therapy for three years, and they're working with her at school."
Kylie told investigators that her daughter has a mental disorder, and that she breaks toys and wets herself to get attention. In addition, the girl threatened to stab and shoot her brother. Like her husband, she believes that other methods of punishment will not help.
The girl complained to the police that for bad behavior she sat in her room, was not allowed to go to the toilet, so she urinated under herself.
"The applicant believes that the disciplinary measure applied is excessive and degrading to the dignity of the child," the document drawn up by the police says, recommending that a criminal case be opened.
Rebecca Gibbs, who saw the girl and called 911, commented: "It's even worse that a police officer would do this to a child. It's horrible. I wouldn't leave my dog out in the cold for an hour, let alone a child."
The parents were charged with child neglect and improper performance of their duties, but they pleaded not guilty.
Following his arrest, Cody was placed on unpaid leave. He and his wife will appear in court on May 8.