Neighbors were against it: a woman dug a tunnel under her house (1 photo + 2 videos)

Yesterday, 09:08

A Herndon, Virginia, resident known on social media as "Tunnel Girl" has received an official permit to build a tunnel under her home after paying a $2,000 fee. Her project, which would have created an underground bunker, was previously put on hold in 2024 due to building code violations.

Kala, the homeowner and creator of the popular TikTok account @engineer.everything, has become famous for her posts about the tunnel construction. Her video has garnered 8.2 million views, and her latest updates have sparked a new wave of discussion online.

In her latest video, the blogger announced the good news: her plans have been approved.

"I have paid the fee and my plans for the tunnel are finalized. This includes architectural drawings, structural plans, construction specifications, electrical plans and other documents," Kala said.

The City of Herndon confirmed that a building permit had been issued. According to a spokesperson, the first inspection has already been completed and a partial pour of concrete for the ceiling has been approved. The city clarified that the underground structure will not extend beyond Kala's property.


The project has caused a mixed reaction among locals. Some are concerned about the possible risks to surrounding buildings.

"I have not seen or heard anything about any work, it's strange to me," said one neighbor.

Other netizens expressed admiration for the blogger's persistence.

"Going through the complicated permitting process after the work has already been done is almost a miracle", "A year ago I thought the bureaucracy would never approve such a project. Glad I was wrong", "Oh my God, the tunnel is back", they wrote.

Kala herself is confident that her building meets all safety requirements. According to her, engineering assessments have confirmed the strength of the structure.

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