Unusual and interesting photos from different countries of the world, taken in the 20th century (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 09:09

These photographs, originally black and white, have been given new life by carefully colorizing them, allowing modern viewers to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the past and see the world through the eyes of people of that era.

A Khoekhoe boy drinks from ostrich eggshells used as bottles in the Kalahari Desert. Namibia, 1955.

Before the advent of modern glass and plastic bottles, people used various natural materials to store and carry water. These solutions were adapted to local conditions and resources, demonstrating the ingenuity of different cultures.

Religious gathering, Ecuador, 1982.

Author: Sebastião Salgado

A young man in his Citroen 2CV Bricolee, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 1968.

Afghan women in traditional dress, 1968.

A SAR K-class locomotive with a 6-wheel tender loaded with coal enters a roundhouse turntable. Australia, 1922.

A roundhouse turntable is a special technical device that was historically used to maneuver steam locomotives and other railway equipment inside a roundhouse. It was a round or sector-shaped platform mounted on an axle, which made it easy to turn locomotives in the desired direction.

Kuwait, 1991.

Photographer: Sebastiao Salgado

Driving School. Canada, 1964.

A man on a donkey near the Mount of Temptation, near Jerusalem.

The Mount of Temptation (called Har HaTemptazia in Hebrew or Jabal al-Qurntul in Arabic) is a historical and religious site located near the ancient city of Jericho in Israel. It is famous for the biblical story of the temptation of Jesus Christ by the devil, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

The mountain is 380 meters high. Numerous caves are visible at different levels, testifying to the life of hermits who lived here since the first centuries of Christianity

Photographer: Michael Maslan

A farmer with cows in Cambodia, 1952.

Photographer: Werner Bischof

Interview with a Soviet cryptographer who defected to the West. Canada, 1954.

In 1945, Soviet cryptographer Igor Gouzenko, who worked at the Soviet embassy in Ottawa, defected to the West with 109 classified documents. They contained correspondence between a GRU resident and agents involved in the development of atomic weapons. The information led to the arrest of 26 people, including British embassy employee Kai Willsher, and the conviction of ten Soviet agents.

For handing over the documents, Gouzenko received political asylum in Canada and financial support. His family settled in Toronto under the name Krysiak, leading a cautious lifestyle due to safety concerns. Gouzenko died in 1982, and his real grave was not marked until 2001, after the death of his wife.

Guzenko's escape became the basis for two American films, "The Iron Curtain" (1948) and "Operation Wanted" (1954), and was one of the key events that escalated the onset of the Cold War.

White children splash in a pond with a sign that says "For European Children Only." South Africa, 1956.

This photograph from South Africa shows the contrast between children's spontaneity and the harsh realities of apartheid, the racial segregation that long defined life in the country. In the picture, white children play and splash carefree in a pond next to which a sign says "For European Children Only." This sign symbolizes the system of segregation of society into "whites" and "coloreds" that was the law during the apartheid era.

Sudan, 1985.

Photographer: Sebastiao Salgado

A boy helps adults in their family business sewing clothes in Baghdad, Iraq, 1963.

Photo by Ian Berry

Children learn how to blow their noses properly in school. Toronto, Canada, 1913.

In 1913, schools in Toronto, Canada, were focusing on hygiene and health. One unusual but important lesson of the time was teaching children how to blow their noses properly.

Photo by Ho Fan.

Theatrical life in Australia, adult actors show children a cow costume from a future production in which they will participate together. New South Wales, 1930.

Photographer: Sam Hood

Tigray, Ethiopia, 1985.

Photographer: Sebastiao Salgado

Sierra Madre Oriental. Mexico, 1980.

Photographer: Sebastiao Salgado

Israeli farmers try to repel a swarm of locusts with a sheet and brushwood on an Israeli farm in the 1930s.

Interestingly, in the Bible, references to locust swarms are associated with divine punishments or signs of divine intervention. Locusts often become a symbol of disasters that come as a result of human sins or as part of trials imposed by God.

Kuwait, 1965.

Photographer: Bruno Barbey

Boys playing on stilts. Alberta, Canada, 1944.

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