15 photos from bars and pubs that show that these establishments have a special relationship with their customers (16 photos)

22 March 2025

A bar is not just a place to have a few cocktails, but a real club of interests, where you will either be greeted like an old friend, or joked about in such a way that you will remember it for a week.

This pub has a pebbled finish on the toilet cisterns to stop people sniffing stuff off of them

This pub has stairs to get down, so they've installed pebbled finishes on the walls pillows

Everything for the safety of customers!

This pub has an oubliette - a medieval underground prison. They put the client there too

"My Irish Pub in Germany Has a Separate Sink for Vomiting"

Recycling Guinness

This Pub in England Has a Real Guinness in the Center of the Table well

This pub's urinals have head and hand rests

Some customers might find this very useful.

"At my local Irish pub, the bartenders paint shamrocks on the foam"

"The pub I'm in has little booths just for solo patrons"

This New Orleans bar is only open from 30 years

Imagine the face control and passport check procedure at the entrance. And the sad 29-year-old thugs who were not allowed in.

This Bar Has a Built-In Fish Tank

This Bar Has Over $10,000 in One Dollar Bills Taped to the Ceiling

This Bar Uses School Erasers as Bottle Caps geysers

A geyser is the same nozzle on bottles for more accurate and convenient pouring.

In this pub, paintings are installed on the corners of the walls

A kind of preventive measure against drunkenness. A person will suddenly look at the walls and understand that he has had enough today.

"I Found a Ceiling Light Full of Rubber Ducks in a Pub in Edinburgh"

This Pub in Germany Has Coasters Made from Floppy Disks

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