17 photos of interesting things found on beaches around the world (19 photos)

22 March 2025

The beach is everyone's favorite place to relax and sunbathe. Watching the waves play while basking in the hot sand is, of course, very pleasant. But sometimes a familiar vacation takes a very ambiguous turn. Sometimes vacationers encounter extremely unusual, mysterious and unique finds, the appearance of which on the sandy shore is not always possible to explain.

"We found a huge skull on the coast, most likely belonging to a whale"

"We came across an icy horseshoe crab on the beach. It is also known by another name - the horseshoe crab"

A horseshoe crab in normal form

"A green glass bottle washed ashore, in which poison"

"A cute couple and good quality photo paper: I found this picture while swimming in the deep ocean"

"Walking along the beach with my wife, we found this piece of wood that has the shape of ear"

"I was so lucky: while walking along the beach, I found this gorgeous 14-karat gold ring in the sand"

This colorful sea creature washed up on beach

This jellyfish-like sea creature is called the Portuguese man-of-war. It is extremely poisonous, so don't try to pick it up if you see it on the ocean shore.

"A fabulously beautiful piece of ice from a glacier that we found on the shore"

"We were walking along a Florida beach and found this cute little thing when we picked up a shell. They immediately returned him to his native water element"

He's clearly too much for her: the dog tries to gnaw on a whale spine found on the beach

"After my participation in the polar dive, we came across a huge mussel on the coast, inside of which there were 28 freshwater pearls"

Few people know what a "polar plunge" is: it is the name of a charity event that is held in support of those athletes whose abilities are limited.

"Beautiful and insidious: this lizard unexpectedly bit me while walking along the coast of Naples (Florida)"

This lizard probably belongs to the knight anole species.

"Found an exquisite bottle of perfume on the beach"

I wonder who used it?

"My mom and my girlfriend were walking along the beach today and saw this beautiful and creepy creature"

This is what a sea anemone looks like, a predatory invertebrate that lives underwater.

"I found an interesting find on the coast of Alaska - a Japanese sealed can of Coca-Cola"

"While on vacation in Hawaii, my brother often walked along the coast, and one day he found lobster tails in the sand"

Deep-sea anglerfish washed ashore at Blacks Beach in San Diego

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