An extremely rare football fish was found on the coast in the USA (3 photos)

24 May 2024
Caution! The post contains shocking material. Make sure you really want to see it and you are over 18 years old.

This event marks a historical milestone as it is the first appearance of the creature in the region. The fish, which lived at a depth of 600 to a thousand meters, was found by local residents who were walking along the beach.

Researchers have confirmed that this football fish is an extremely rare species and only 31 such specimens have been registered.

These deep-sea fish are known to live in complete darkness. They use a "bulb" on their forehead to attract their prey. The appearance of this rare fish in Oregon has generated great interest among the scientific community and local residents.

Previously, specimens of football fish have been found in places such as New Zealand, Japan, Hawaii, Ecuador, Chile and California. There is still no clear understanding of why these fish, which usually live in the deep sea, end up on the coast.

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