In France, a mother and her sons armed themselves with knives and went to school to deal with their offenders (5 photos)

Yesterday, 21:37

We think it is unnecessary to talk about what these Frenchmen looked like.

On the afternoon of March 14, a woman with two sons burst into a secondary school in Poissy. One of the boys and the woman were holding knives. And although, according to Le Parisien, both teenagers do not actually attend school, the younger brother had a conflict with one of the students, and it was this quarrel that caused the armed attack.

According to the publication, the woman and one of her sons were detained, her second offspring escaped, and is currently wanted by the police.

The mayor of Poissy is concerned about what is happening.

"Since January, there have been reports of violence and thefts near the Le Corbusier school complex. Today, new events have occurred at the institution, different from the previous ones. “I certainly share the legitimate concerns of students, parents and the educational community,” said Mayor Sandrine Dos Santos, who called for increased police patrols around the area where the attack took place.

A month earlier, on February 12, four young people, three of whom were high school students at that very school, got into a fight at a city bus stop.

Three people were injured and hospitalized. The fourth participant in the fight was detained. And it seems that stabbings are becoming commonplace in this small French town.

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