They will destroy your apartment and turn your usual life into hell: anti-top cat breeds for a beginner (11 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 21:38

If you are thinking about getting a cat, but doing it for the first time, this article is for you. In it, I will tell you who exactly should not be got by novice cat lovers!

1 place

The first place of the anti-top, of course, is occupied by hybrids of wild and domestic cats: Bengals, Chausies and Savannahs. In the last century, such pets were obtained by crossing ordinary Murziks with wild representatives of the feline family - the Bengal cat, the jungle cat and the serval. Of course, today breeders no longer use wild individuals in breeding, but this does not prevent cats from "keeping the memory of their ancestors".

Tame me. If you are not afraid of losing fingers!

The size of hybrids is comparable to the dimensions of an average dog - their weight reaches 10-15 kilos. This is 2-3 times more than a standard Murka! And okay, if the cats quietly and peacefully crushed the bed. But wild blood does not allow you to calmly sour on the windowsill. For a comfortable life, the animal needs at least a private house to tumble around with minimal damage to the interior. Also, other pets should be protected from hybrids: they will gobble up a hamster and beat up a dog without any problems. The whiskered ones are not afraid of anyone - even humans are not an authority for them.

The photo shows a Savannah cat. A hybrid of a domestic cat and a wild serval.

2nd place

In second place, some aboriginal breeds are leisurely stretching out - the Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest and Kuril Bobtail. These woolly ones have been developing on their own for hundreds of years, without constant human intervention and artificial selection. They survived perfectly well without a full bowl and silly scratches. It is not you who "winds them up", it is the cats who agree to honor you with their presence.

The "tygydyk" mode is activated.

You are unlikely to get the typical purring on your knees and other calf-like tenderness from a native. Their trust must be earned - it will be quite difficult for a newcomer to cope with such charisma. And striped cats are also very smart and extremely active. If you do not think of something to occupy their brains, they will find entertainment themselves. And believe me, you are unlikely to like it.

— What kind of lion is this tiger! — I'm not a lion. And not a tiger. I'm even cooler — a Norwegian forest cat.

Not all natives are so crazy. For example, a Siberian cat is quite suitable even for a newbie. She is moderately active, moderately affectionate, moderately self-sufficient.

3rd place

The third place is rightfully occupied by the Siamese-Oriental group of breeds. This is the complete opposite of the aborigines, but it does not make it any easier! The group includes: Oriental, Balinese, Himalayan, Tokinese, Burmese and, of course, Siamese cats themselves. All of them are distinguished by their refined features: a long muzzle, paws like a top model and a slender build. They are also famous for their hyperactivity, omnipresence, very loud voice and increased demand for human attention.

And this facial expression will haunt you constantly.

Getting this cat means never being alone again: not being able to cook without the help of a whiskered companion, not being able to sit quietly with a cup of tea and not being able to leave the apartment for a long time. Siamese cats need a colossal amount of human energy, and not every experienced cat owner can handle it. It's like being a mother to a 3-5 year old angel who is constantly climbing somewhere, inventing something, throwing toys everywhere and wants to cuddle 24/7. Only the cat will never grow up.

What do you think I need such a big nose for? That's right, to stick it everywhere!

4th place

In fourth place are the breeds whose character you can put up with. But taking care of them is quite a quest. These include: Persians, Turkish Angoras, Maine Coons, British Shorthairs, as well as all bald and curly cats.

Poor thing! Didn't even have time to comb her hair, she immediately got to work!

In the minds of most people, a cat is a fairly autonomous creature and capable of taking care of itself. This is true for most breeds with medium and short hair. But long-haired whiskered breeds will have to be combed a couple of times a week or more often, bathed regularly and given special masks. Otherwise, the fur will roll into a felt boot and the cat will look worse than a garbage leopard. British shorthairs, no matter what the Internet tells you, also require complex care, because their fur is very thick and dense - if you don't comb it regularly, it will be very unsightly.

With such fur, the animal is not only uncomfortable. It is even difficult for it to move.

A thick fur coat is a problem. But the lack of fur is an even bigger problem! Bald cats need to be bathed every few weeks, regularly wipe their ears and folds on their paws, monitor the condition of their skin - they may have pimples. And you will also have to monitor the temperature in the house and dress your pets according to the weather. Bald animals are very sensitive to cold, drafts and sunlight. If you don't watch them, your cat will get hypothermia or a burn!

The guy's face when I asked him to squeeze a couple of pimples on his back.

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