Unknown people stole a 35-ton tank near Warsaw (2 photos)
The theft occurred over the weekend, but the owner discovered the tank was missing only three days later. How such a bulky vehicle was removed unnoticed remains a mystery.
As the article states, the police in Pruszków are looking for those responsible for the theft of a decommissioned T-55 tank that was parked near a landfill. It disappeared over the weekend, but the owner discovered it only a few days later and immediately reported it to the police. How such a bulky vehicle was removed unnoticed remains a mystery.
A similar story happened in 2009 in the city of Lukow in the Lublin region. Then, criminals stole four tanks at once, which they managed to transport on cargo platforms through several districts.
The T-55 tank weighing 36.5 tons is a Soviet main battle tank of the 1st generation. It was accepted into service by the Soviet Army in 1958 and was produced for four years. In 1962, the modernized version of the T-55A was accepted into service. Tanks of both versions were produced in the former Soviet Union, former Czechoslovakia and Poland (since 1964).