Unexpected endings of the first date: from a baby with whooping cough to a python in the sleeve (10 photos)
A first date is always a mix of excitement, hope and slight awkwardness. But sometimes it turns into a real adventure with elements of the absurd, where reality begins to outpace any - even the most daring and crazy expectations. From snakes in sleeves to unexpected seizures and exes with a gun - the stories that happen on such meetings make us either laugh or think: what if this happens to me?
Users share their stories with strange and amazing moments they experienced on first dates. And the truth turned out to be much more interesting, and sometimes more dangerous than any fiction!
1. Always be a star, be a star everywhere
- The first date went quite normally. A few days later, she wrote to me that she was planning to get a high-paying job in another city.
Since we only went on one date, I said that she should definitely do it, that she has every right to build a career. And I wished her luck. She politely asked me to never write to her again.
Later, I learned from a friend that she hadn't moved anywhere at all. It turns out that she tests guys like that. Her ideal candidate would drop everything after the first date and follow her to the ends of the earth.
3. The Instrument of Revenge
- I was working at a bar when one of the customers invited me for a drink. I knew her superficially - she was a regular customer. I agreed, although I probably should have suspected something was wrong. After all, she was a stunning beauty. And me? An ordinary guy.
We met, laughed, everything was going great. Then we went to see a local band perform. When we arrived, she pushed her way through the crowd, dragging me along with her. And she literally started dancing on me, taking my hands so that I would hold her waist while she was bending and wriggling. Then I saw the singer of the band and recognized him - I had seen her with him many times at the bar. Yes, it was her ex-boyfriend, and I was there only to make him jealous.
3. Catfishing option
- I met a girl at a conference. We agreed to meet. I come and see that this is not the girl I gave my number to. It turns out that she gave my number to her friend, and I was already talking to her. I don’t know if you can call it catfishing, but it definitely threw me off track. I stayed, had dinner with her, and then left and blocked her number.
5. Beautiful and dangerous
- I met a girl in a cafe, we agreed to meet later that week. On the appointed day, she didn't answer. Okay. Later, she contacted me again, saying that she lost her phone, and we started dating. A month later, she confessed that on the day we were supposed to meet for the first time, she was arrested for breaking into her ex's apartment...
6. My Python Friend
- Went on a date. At the end, we started kissing. Something strange touched my ear. I pulled away and saw a snake sticking out of the sleeve of her sweater. It was her pet python. He was with her all this time...
7. Strange Fantasies
- She talked about her brother as her perfect soulmate. Said that if he weren't her brother, her life would be perfect. Then she showed me his picture. He looked enough like me that I said I needed to go to the bathroom, and then blocked her number.
7. Unexpected seizure
- I came to pick up my girlfriend at her house. She went into the kitchen to open a bottle of wine, and suddenly I heard a crash and a groan. I went into the kitchen - she was thrashing on the floor in an epileptic seizure. I picked her up, carried her to the sofa and held her until the seizure passed. It seemed like it lasted 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, she was confused and exhausted. She fell asleep on my lap. Later, I carried her to the bedroom and left. A very nice girl. We dated for a few more months after that.
8. Sick baby
- A woman took her six-month-old baby with whooping cough to a restaurant. The baby urgently needed medical attention. I said I was going to the bathroom, called the waiter, paid the bill, and informed her that I would not continue the date because the baby needed to see a doctor. I left very angry.
9. The Ex-Shatter
- I was on a date with a single mother. Her crazy ex-husband followed us and pulled a gun in the parking lot of the restaurant we were in. If someone in the restaurant hadn't gone back inside and called the police, who knows how it would have ended.
Have you ever been on an absurd first date?