Actress from Harry Potter began filming adult videos (3 photos + 1 video)

Today, 13:12

37-year-old actress Jessie Cave, who played Lavender Brown in several Harry Potter films, has opened an account on an adult website. She wants to earn money for home renovations and pay off her debts. However, the woman is not going to publish erotica.

Harry Potter actress Jessie Cave, who played Lavender Brown in the franchise, has admitted that she has started making adult videos. On her social media page, the 37-year-old actress announced that she has opened an account on a website with subscription access and 18+ content.

According to Cave, she will be making content for people with a “niche fetish” for long hair.

The actress hopes that her followers will want to hear the sounds associated with brushing and “flicking” hair.

“I’m going for a very clean aesthetic. I’m going to do sensual things with hair,” she promised.

Jessie Cave believes that she can make a lot of money from her idea. She warned that the account will not feature “legs and buttocks,” but the actress’s account header features a photo of herself showing off her legs in socks and thighs in a short skirt.

"Owl arrives almost daily. Warning for wizards: will not be making explicit sexual content. May be in underwear," Cave wrote, making several references to "Harry Potter."

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