In China, they steal soil from plant pots in banks (6 photos)
Do you know what a "bank product" is? You don't! The Chinese know for sure: it's soil dug up on the territory of different banks in the country! Because it brings wealth, what else!
By the way, the soil in China is yellowish like this
How to dig a tunnel without getting rich by robbing a bank
Chinese online stores are full of ads selling so-called "bank soil". Moreover, the buyer is given a choice of which largest bank the soil was taken from. It is said that it is taken from near the building. Are they digging there!?
The descriptions say that this soil, like a talisman, brings wealth and good luck to buyers.
Beautifully laid out in the form of yin-yang, what a marketer from God!
The price of "bank soil" can reach 888 yuan per serving. It is said that the popular product was obtained from green areas outside banks, from potted plants in bank lobbies, or even from dust from money-counting machines. So these are just people who go to the bank to steal soil from pots! Our grandmothers can only steal ficus trees because “they are not looked after well here, the plant will die.”
The most popular products: soils from five large banks: Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communications. At the same time, the cheapest portion of soil cost only 24 yuan.
Bank of China - Flowerpots Over There Are Being Ripped Off Mercilessly
The vendor said, "This soil is hand-picked from five major banks and is believed to increase wealth and dissolve bad energy, although we can't scientifically prove it."
What unadulterated honesty!
Online vendors are sending customers videos of soil being dug out of bank flowerbeds.
"The bank soil is collected at night from the green belts in front of these banks, not just from one specific financial branch."
Videos are being filmed on social media to prove the time of digging
Another store advertises the product as being collected only at noon. While a third seller claims that his soil gives a "success rate of 999.999 percent in wealth creation."
Some online stores have even posted videos of the soil being dug up right in front of the bank to prove its authenticity.
Why is it so funny
Street fortune tellers are still popular in China, so they willingly take soil from a flowerpot
The demand is quite stable. Soil made to order is especially popular: dug up in a certain jar at a favorable time. This is why the video is filmed - to prove that everything was done according to Feng Shui. The bags of soil are small, you can't steal much from a pot or flowerbed, because it is a mass phenomenon. If you start picking up soil, the guards will quickly chase you away.
At the same time, this is sleight of hand and no fraud. You can only sue such sellers if they say that this is soil from the Bank of China, but they dug it up in their own garden, then this is consumer fraud. But proving something like this is unrealistic.
Consumers have the right to demand a refund if they are not satisfied with the quality of the goods.
How can you prove that you didn't dig up five kilos in your mother's garden?
But! According to the regulations on urban greening, no organization has the right to destroy urban green spaces, including a ban on digging up soil. So this is a crime, and one connected to banks!
A burning question arises: if I live next to a bank, why am I still not a millionaire!? What are your versions?