The couple decided to sell the old figurine - and did not expect it to be so highly appreciated (5 photos)

Category: Decorations, PEGI 0+
29 August 2023

Sometimes we don't even know what valuable things we have. us right under our noses. A couple from Scotland decided to sell their old a ceramic toad that belonged to different generations of their family on over the course of 60 years. They did not expect how highly the experts would rate figurine.

Recently on the British TV program Antiques Roadshow, in which antiques appraisers travel to different regions and announce the value of various antique items, introduced a new exhibit. This is a three-legged yellow toad that a resident decided to sell Morayshire, Scotland. The ceramic toad belonged to the owner's family in for 60 years. He inherited it from his mother - as a gift for the day birth. Spectators and even the owners themselves were surprised how high experts appreciated the seemingly inconspicuous toad.

Experts have determined that the toad dates back to the 18th century, and its made in Scotland, in a place called Dunmore. It turned out, the figurine symbolizes the mythical three-legged Chinese toad, which brings good luck and wealth.

"The myth says that a three-legged toad appeared in the owner's house in full moon to predict an event that usually brings good luck or wealth. In China, such a toad is often depicted with small coins in mouth," the appraiser told the program.

After evaluating the condition of the toad, the expert offered an auction price - £600-900, or "even a little more". Owners of such the cost was more than surprising - they expected to sell the toad for less cost. This exhibit also caused controversy on the network: someone does not understand how a simple toad can cost so much, while others, on the contrary, would like take it if they had the chance.

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