Stars are bought: the incredible rise of plastic surgery in Korea due to celebrity advertising (8 photos)
Everyone knows that plastic surgery is very popular in South Korea. Well, news from the fields, in the last year it has become even more popular, the market has grown incredibly. Now 1 in 4 plastic surgeries in the world is done in South Korea! Let me remind you that South Korea has a population of only 50 million people, but it “cuts” a quarter of the world.
Yes, it has become more beautiful, I do not argue with that.
First of all – its own population. In total, 9 out of every 1,000 people in the country have gone under the knife to a greater or lesser extent.
How did it happen that everyone wants plastic surgery
The incredible success is that the most beautiful actresses have agreed to talk about the plastic surgery they underwent to be so beautiful. For example, Jeon Jeong So and Jang Yoon Joo.
Jo Jeong So is good-looking, beautiful. But the most dangerous thing is that she was not born this way, she was made this way
South Korea has long been cramped only within the country, which is why startups with a target foreign audience are now increasingly being launched. The most famous such startup is Gangnam Unni. This is an aggregator, like we have food delivery aggregators, like Yandex, and in South Korea there is a really cool aggregator of plastic clinics. So that you can sign up for a nose job in two clicks.
The company is named after the Gangnam district, a district in Seoul that has become the center of the plastic surgery empire. And Unni in Korean means "older sister". Something like "older sister will recommend a good clinic."
And this is Jang Yeon Joo, a model who became an actress
According to the Korean Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, about 55 percent of the more than 600 plastic surgery clinics in Seoul are concentrated in Gangnam. According to statistics, 33% of all women under 40 years old have gone under the knife here.
The moment when TV stars agreed to advertise plastic surgery openly, the country experienced a real breakthrough in the popularity of plastic surgery. The topic is no longer taboo.
Who's Making It Trendy to "Make Yourself the Same"
Li Si-an, a hugely popular contestant on Netflix's latest season of Singles Inferno, was one of many stars who gained even more support from fans when she easily revealed her past facial surgeries. Add to that the fact that she was the most popular contestant on a dating show, and it's easy to see that her "plastic surgery confession" was completely paid for by plastic surgeons. And it paid off tenfold.
Here is that same Lee Si An, just a library of all possible facial surgeries in South Korea
The thing is that appearance has always been a competitive advantage in the tough Korean society. And everyone wants at least a little advantage in tough competition, sometimes it is not even a desire for attention, but a desire for career success and promotion, that's what is scary.
Without beauty in South Korea you are nobody
"There is an opinion that people started doing plastic surgery to achieve an attractive appearance that will help them when looking for a job," said Lee Kun Hee, president of the Korean Academy of Plastic Surgery.
One of the most popular plastic surgery ads in Korea is a lie. Jaw surgery is usually not like that, ordinary women come to make their chins sharp.
Korea has the biggest "lookism" "disease" of all the countries in the world. Lookism is an assessment of a person as an individual, their value in society, based on their appearance.
It sounds crazy, but in South Korea it works that way. There, it is generally accepted that beautiful people are also good. Because this understanding is closely intertwined with Confucianism, where the desire for external and internal perfection are equally important.
And now the fad has affected not only the youth. More and more South Koreans in their 50s and 60s, and even those over 65, are becoming regular patients at plastic surgery clinics in Seoul.
The government should be fighting for different faces in dramas, but it has given in and been bribed by the plastic surgery industry.
2019 was a turning point for the beauty industry, with nearly 500,000 foreign patients arriving in South Korea, 90,500 of whom visited plastic surgery clinics.
And all thanks to Korean culture, where there are many artificial beauties. This year, "Parasite" won an Oscar, and BTS's album "Map of the Soul: Persona" equaled the Beatles in number one spots on the charts. And you all know BTS, ordinary men don't look like that. And their refined beauty, even if it's not true, made the whole world want to look like that.
There are whole wars about BTS on the Internet, whether they had plastic surgery or not. In my opinion, everything is clear. It's easier to find singers and dancers and make them beautiful than to look for beautiful people who can also sing. And why?
While Covid was going on, clinics weren't sitting idle either, but were bringing their services online. And when the borders opened, hundreds of international places immediately appeared where you can communicate not only in Korean, but also in English.
Do you know who, after Koreans, most often goes to South Korea for surgeries? No, not the US. Japan comes first, then China, and only then the US.
While people in European countries try to hide from others that they've had plastic surgery, people in South Korea openly ask each other what procedure they've had done on their faces, just like in any other normal conversation. It's a funny cultural thing, getting surgery here is like going to the grocery store.
By the way, this is the singer Dahye, in Korea SHE IS CONSIDERED FAT. If I lived there, I would hang myself.
In general, I am 100% sure that all those stars who openly and happily share what exactly they cut off and added are bought by clinics up to their ears. And this is already meanness on their part, which is destroying their native country from within. They already have the highest suicide rate.