A Man in China Decided to Undergo a Procedure Simulating Labor Pains to Prove His Love to His Girlfriend (2 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:02

He was eventually hospitalized. The man began to experience excruciating pain. It turned out that his small intestine was inflamed, and part of it had to be removed.

A woman from Henan Province decided to put her boyfriend through this test before their engagement to make sure he could understand the difficulties women face. According to the woman, the idea came from her mother and sister, who believed that a future husband should experience women's suffering before the wedding.

The participant gradually experienced increasing levels of pain for the first 90 minutes. After the eighth level, he started screaming and resisting, on the tenth level, he was crying and cursing, and by the end of the test, he could barely breathe.

"My sister and I were constantly wiping his sweat," the girl wrote on social media. After the simulation, the guy was exhausted, he began to have severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

She assured him that no one wanted to harm him, but only to show what women go through.

However, a week later, the young man was urgently hospitalized with severe abdominal pain. Doctors discovered irreversible damage to part of the small intestine and performed an operation to remove it.

The victim's mother forbade the bride to visit her son, canceling the engagement and preparing a lawsuit against her.

"I found out that part of his intestines was removed. I am ready to bear full responsibility, as long as he recovers," the girl said.

At the time of publication of the news, information about the man's condition was not disclosed.

Lawyers note that if the connection between the injury and the simulation is proven, the girl may be held liable and must compensate for the costs of treatment, care and rehabilitation.

The incident caused a wide public outcry. Many social media users condemned the girl's actions:

"Typical labor contractions last a maximum of ten minutes, and this test lasted three hours! This is crazy!"

"Real labor pains are a complex process that includes not only physical but also emotional reactions. They cannot be simulated."

"True love does not require testing, time will tell."

The method used during the simulation involved the application of electrical impulses to the skin and muscles, simulating the pain of contractions.

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