In the USA, a drug for dogs was approved that can extend their lives (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03

Humanity has taken another small step in pursuit of the illusory opportunity to save what is so dear to the heart.

If you have ever had a pet, I don’t need to tell you how painful it is when the time comes to say goodbye to it. Scientists are people too, and they just as much wanted their pets to live longer.

An anti-aging pill developed for dogs recently overcame a key obstacle in the form of the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA has approved a drug that extends the life of four-legged animals by 3-4 years. The drug is currently undergoing trials at the Center for Veterinary Medicine.

But already now the drug under the code name LLOY-002 has shown real results in dogs over 10 years old and weighing from 6 kg.

The biotech startup company Loyal, which develops drugs for dogs in conjunction with the Dog Aging Project, is confident that the development of an effective drug for large breed dogs will help “human” medicine in the future.

“Our study is light years ahead of anything that has been done in humans or can be done in humans,” said University of Washington biogerontologist and co-director of the Dog Aging Project Daniel Promislow. “What we’re doing is the equivalent of a 40-year human study testing the ability of a drug to extend healthy lifespan.”

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