8 famous actors who experienced real pain on camera, but did not break character (13 photos)

Yesterday, 18:03

Things don't always go according to plan, and sometimes some actors actually get hurt right on camera. But it's worth giving credit to many of them that they continue to play their roles despite the pain.

Viggo Mortensen ("The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers")

Surely, those who watched the second part of the film "The Lord of the Rings" remember the scene when Aragorn kicked the helmet and screamed hysterically because he thought that the hobbits Mary and Pippin died when the Rohan squad attacked the orcs.

In fact, he screamed not because of this at all. The thing is that the scene with the kicking of the helmet was filmed 4 times, but all these takes were unsuccessful. And on the fifth take, the actor Viggo Mortensen, who played Aragon, decided to kick the unfortunate helmet with all his might. As a result, he screamed hysterically and fell to his knees.

Director Peter Jackson liked how naturally Mortensen played this scene, but in fact, the actor broke two toes when he hit the helmet, which is why he screamed. However, he did not break character, and Peter Jackson considered this to be the best take, so it was included in the final version of the film.

Chaining Tatum ("Fox Hunt")

According to the plot of the film "Fox Hunt", wrestler Mark Schultz, played by Chaining Tatum, had to hit his head hard against a mirror that was hanging in the bathroom. In order for the actor not to hurt his head, the mirror was covered with a thin layer of plastic.

But during filming, the actor apparently hit his head very hard on the mirror, which is why he broke not only the plastic, but also the mirror itself, and even the wall on which the mirror was hanging. As a result, the actor really injured his head, but continued to act, without leaving the character.

Tatum later admitted that he himself does not understand how he managed to hit with such force, but the shot turned out so great that the director included this take in the final version of the film.

Leonardo DiCaprio ("Django Unchained")

In Quentin Tarantino's film "Django Unchained", Leonardo DiCaprio played the role of the cynical slave owner Calvin Candie, to whom the main characters came.

In the feast scene, Calvin Candie "goes crazy" and slams his fist on the table. During the blow, he breaks the glass and cuts himself badly on the shards, after which he continues to communicate.

In fact, according to the plot, DiCaprio was supposed to simply hit the table with his fist, but the actor accidentally hit the glass and broke it. Therefore, the blood that we see in the frame is real.

The scene turned out so bright that Tarantino decided that it should definitely be included in the film. Yes, old Leo did a great job with the role, and he should have received an Oscar for it. But this time he was unlucky.

Sylvester Stallone ("Rambo. First Blood")

I think many of you watched the cult action movie "Rambo. First Blood" starring Sylvester Stallone. Well, here Stallone also had to suffer a little.

According to the plot, in one of the scenes, Rambo had to jump off a cliff. And this role was assigned to a professional stuntman. But Stallone himself refused the help of a stunt double, deciding to do the stunt himself.

Sylvester jumped from a considerable height and landed on the ground, screaming. And it would seem that the scream should have been in the script, but not in this case. The scream was real, because Stallone broke two ribs when he fell. Nevertheless, overcoming the pain, Stallone continued to play. And only after filming this scene did he go to the doctor.

Margaret Hamilton ("The Wizard of Oz")

Let's move on to 1939, when the first film adaptation of Frank Baum's famous book "The Wizard of Oz" was released. The role of the evil witch of the West in this film was played by actress Margaret Hamilton.

According to the plot, the evil witch was supposed to disappear spectacularly after an explosion accompanied by smoke. But during filming, everything went a little off-plan, and the pyrotechnic charge did not work as expected. As a result, actress Margaret Hamilton received several burns. Only thanks to abundant makeup, the actress's face was not damaged, but several burns remained on her hand.

Fred Astaire ("Following the Fleet")

In the musical "Following the Fleet" (1939), actor Fred Astaire was injured. Moreover, his injury was unusual, since it was caused by (you'd never guess) a dress.

Actress Ginger Rogers danced in a beautiful dress decorated with heavy beads. And it was during the filming of the dance scene between Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers that Astaire was injured. The actress accidentally hit him with her sleeve. The blow from the heavy beads hit the actor's jaw, cheek and eyes, after which he experienced wild pain, but continued to play as if nothing had happened.

Jake Gyllenhaal ("The Stringer")

During the filming of one of the scenes of the movie "The Stringer", Jake Gyllenhaal's character picked up a mirror and screamed hysterically. And by all accounts, that's exactly how it was intended in the script. Only the actor's scream was partly real, because when he squeezed the mirror, it cracked and injured the actor's hand.

Despite this, Jake Gyllenhaal did not break character and continued to act out the scene. Only after the end of filming did he go to the doctor, and as it turned out, the cut was so deep that the actor had to be urgently hospitalized.

Jackie Chan

And of course, this list would be very weak if we didn't include Jackie Chan here. The famous actor Jackie Chan is a man who has survived more than a hundred fractures. And it is quite difficult to find a bone in his body that he has not yet broken. Moreover, insurance companies in principle refused to insure the actor, because they understood perfectly well that he would definitely break something.

It is difficult to point out any film during the filming of which the actor was injured, because he was injured on the set of almost every one of his films, since the actor always performed everything (even the most difficult stunts) himself. And during the filming of the movie "Armor of God" he almost died, having fallen from a great height and injured his head. They even had to do a craniotomy.

According to the actor himself, he is absolutely not afraid of breaking anything, but he is deathly afraid of injections. Once, during the filming of the movie "Astral Kung Fu", he seriously injured his leg, which is why he was urgently hospitalized. But when he found out that he was going to be given a tetanus shot, he simply started running away from the nurse.

Jackie Chan's injuries during filming can be listed endlessly, so I suggest you look at a map of some of the famous actor's injuries.

Personally, I'm surprised that Jackie Chan is still alive with such a lifestyle, or at least hasn't become disabled. But in fact, I'm very happy for him. God bless him.

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