Cats are mysterious creatures, and their behavior often raises questions for us. For example, many cats love to have their tummy scratched, and can be very sensitive to touching this delicate part of the cat's body.
Firstly, it is pleasant because of the large number of nerve endings. Secondly, it is a manifestation of trust. Also, with the help of scratching, cats reduce their stress level and remember the golden age - the time of their kittenhood. And such touching photos remain as a memory.
1. Moments of happiness
2. Appreciate my affection
3. So be it, scratch the precious part of my organism
4. The cat is beautiful
5. You can, but be careful
6. Just a minute tenderness
7. My trust is endless
8. You can't handle it alone
9. Moments grace
10. Strange feeling
11. I forget about everything
12. I believe you, leather
13. And the neck too
14. And the tabby cat is against it!
15. Don't overdo it!
16. What are you standing there for, who are you waiting for?
17. Here it is, happiness
18. Four hands stroke more effectively
19. Stop, moment
20. A petted belly makes a happy cat
21. Instead of physical education
22. Delicacy is a must condition