25+ characters who were tormented by melancholy and went crazy at home (26 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03

The good thing about closed spaces is that they protect us from all external dangers.

But being locked up all the time gets boring. And not just for people. Our pets can also get bored sitting in the house for 24 hours and seeing the same environment. So it's logical and expected that they go a little crazy and start acting up. Then, of course, everything goes back to normal, but such masterpieces remain as a memory.

1. Bitter coffee with a taste of tail

2. It's great when they're waiting for you at home

3. A stand for your beloved priests

4. An indispensable assistant

5. Do the job - walk boldly

6. With a sense of accomplishment debt

7. The Great Taster

8. Aren't I a Good Boy?

9. House Revolution

10. Usually Cats Do This, But There Are Exceptions

11. Quiet madness

12. Paws are no obstacle

13. It's not us. We don't know who, but it's definitely not us

14. When you're busy doing what you love

15. I accept complaints in writing

16. Freedom for the cats!

17. That annoying feeling of overwhelming boredom

18. Collective insanity

19. The door is open, you can go out

20. The creator of a new trend in interior design

21. It's all nonsense, and only the cat matters

22. Sadness and melancholy make me eats

23. The owners were three minutes late. They had fun as best they could

24. Repair from a pro: fast, affordable, with a guarantee

25. Boredom at the cat

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