This awkward moment: pets who were caught by surprise (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
19 September 2023

Our beloved pets also have a variety of feelings. and desires. They can play pranks, quarrel with each other and do a minor dirty trick out of boredom.

But the amazing shots you get when you catch these mischievous people at the moment of their antics are so funny that they can only Because of them, the smaller brothers can be forgiven for their hooligan antics.

1. I didn’t intend to eat it, just slobber on it.

2. And in the Yenisei it’s blue

3. I just touched it, and then it all fluffed up on its own...

4. Surprise!

5. Nothing special, just a sausage tree

6. Curly, whistle if anything happens

7. Documents for the apartment? Nope, haven't seen it

8. Prints? What prints?

9. I just walked past with a flying gait

10. It's not what you think

11. Bordeaux 1995 was... It was just

12. A snake crawled in, but I defeated it

13. I save your figure

14. I’m fixing a primus here

15. Tear and conquer

16. Am I not great?

17. Marya the Mistress

18. Feeling of accomplishment

19. It obscured my rays of glory

20. There will be no vegetable garden

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