Cat tries to rid owner of digital addiction
The cat tried to rid his owner of digital addiction using a proven method - blocking access to the computer.
While people are developing digital detox apps, the cat from this video is trying to rid his owner of digital addiction using a proven method - completely blocking access. The caring fluffy cat decided that it was time for his owner to return to the real world, and began to eliminate competition in the form of a laptop. He covered the keyboard with his fluffy body, blocked the mouse and seemed ready to turn off the Internet if necessary.
The stubbornness of the furry fighter against addiction knew no bounds. The cat literally pressed himself into the equipment, demanding immediate attention, but judging by the reaction of the owner, he will not get his way anytime soon. However, despite the cat's failure, we are sure that the best program for monitoring screen time is a cute purring cat with a sense of his own greatness.