Airlines are considering increasing the cost of tickets for oversized passengers (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
Today, 07:57

Remember the wonderful saying that a good person should be in abundance? However, recently airlines, especially Western ones, have been less and less agreeing with this statement.

The times of body positivity are not over yet, but more and more people are inclined to believe that some citizens are too serious about gaining weight, which causes some inconvenience to the thinner part of passengers.

Lighter passengers are inclined to charge according to weight, while heavier passengers preferred the current system. Almost 60% of respondents are concerned about possible discrimination.

Airlines claim that there is no question of discrimination, and it is all about simple mathematics. The fact is that a kilogram on an airplane increases fuel consumption, a 1% reduction in the overall weight of an airplane can lead to fuel savings of about 0.75%.

The approach is designed to be anonymous, with only age, gender, and travel class being recorded along with weight data. The collected information will be used to update the airline's aircraft balance and load calculations for the period from 2025 to 2030. The program will be tested by Finland's largest airline, Finnair.

Large passengers, in turn, suggest that airlines not waste their time, but change the requirements for seats and make them larger. Since some people simply do not intend to lose weight for the sake of flying on an airplane.

How do you think this fight between plus-size passengers and airlines will end?

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