A husky porter in China attracts hundreds of tourists to a hotel (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
27 February 2025

A furry guesthouse employee helps guests with their luggage.

A dog named Hakimi from the city of Lijiang has become a real star of the hotel business. The husky not only greets guests at the South Gate of the Old City, but also delivers their luggage in a cart along a 200-meter route.

The dog became a porter after the owner, for fun, suggested that the pet try to pull a cart. Although at first there were small accidents with the load tipping over, Hakimi quickly got the hang of it. Moreover, the work helped to channel the husky's energy into a peaceful channel: the owner admitted that before the pet was mischievous and damaged things in the house.

"When Hakimi appeared in our house, he was very energetic from the first days. In April last year, when I took him to play and suggested that he pull a cart, he immediately learned. I was very surprised," the man recalls.

Now, booking a room in a small hotel has become a real problem. Tourists plan a stop here specifically to see the four-legged porter at work.

But Hakimi gained real popularity after posting videos on social networks. In just 3 days, videos of the husky at work brought the hotel owner 25 thousand dollars thanks to the monetization program. "He's so smart - he even looks back at the luggage when he turns the corner!" - users admire in the comments.

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